Flowers by Jerry is a Premiere Florist for many reasons. While you want the very best flowers for your delivery to Rochester, Minnesota , we do the work for you in finding the highest quality local shop to fulfill your order. We are here to help with the best service, fair prices, and the most beautiful flowers and plants possible. We strive to work with nationwide florists who only send products that we would be happy to receive ourselves.

There is a Jerry…. Jerry & Marlene Patton opened Flowers by Jerry
in 1968 one block from the Mayo Clinic. Ten years later, they moved to the
store on the corner of 3rd Ave & 4th St SE. In 1995, Jerry’s
son and daughter-in-law, Kevin & Karry Patton, took over the business
and two years later added another location. Formerly Whitings Flowers and
Greenhouse, the new location on the corner of 10th St & historic Silver
Lake Drive NE added not only a greenhouse, but a new design facility.
Because of our new design facility at our North Store and our professional
care and handling, our flowers are always as fresh as possible. We receive farm direct and fresh flower shipments five days a week and our high volume insures a constant rotation. Our care & handling techniques like under-water cutting, correct preservative usage and our clean, temperature controlled environment insure your flowers will be fresh, fragrant and full of life. Our facility and volume also help us keep our prices competitive. We are
able to negotiate better pricing and pass the savings on to our customers.
Many of our employees have been with Flowers by Jerry for numerous years. They specialize in customer relationships and truly care of the quality of every single order. Once we receive your order, our staff digs deep into our floral network to find the very best local shop to fulfill your order. They then follow the order every step of the way to make sure it is filled correctly, and delivered on time. If you have any questions, we are here and ready to help.
Floral design Staff
Our brick and mortar store's design room is built of the best floral designers in our region, and we only partner with fellow local florists who strive for the same. By ordering through us, you can rest assured knowing we will find the most attentive and talented designer win your delivery region. Whether your bouquet is inspired by European or contemporary design, traditional based arrangements, tropical flowers or just a simple basket, we will make sure it exceeds your expectations.
Commitment to our customers
From its opening day, Flowers by Jerry has been committed to service &
quality. It is our goal to only provide and deliver the fresh quality
product available with the best service possible. To back up our mission,
we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Community involvement
We were chosen 2005 Small Business of the Year by the
Rochester Chamber of Commerce. The award was given in part because of
our involvement in community programs like Y Mentor programs, Junior Achievement,
and Boys and Girls Club annual fund-raisers. Other organizations we have
helped include the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Children’s Dance
Theater, ARC, Family Service, Rochester Orchestra and Chorale, OC Foster
Care Providers, Rochesterfest, the Red Cross, the American Cancer Society,
National Night Out, various High School, Middle School and Grade School
events and many more.