Floral Arrangement and Flowers Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
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Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
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Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
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Dozen Plus $99.99
Dozen Plus $99.99
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Match Made in Heaven $79.99
Match Made in Heaven $79.99
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Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
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Always You Bouquet $124.99
Always You Bouquet $124.99
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Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
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Swooning Over You $74.99
Swooning Over You $74.99
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Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
Flowers by Jerry

Welcome to Flowers by Jerry. We are a family owned, full service florist and have been in business for over 50 years. Our online store service is here to help you find the best local florist, anywhere nationwide. With our nationwide affiliation, we do the work for you. The local florists we partner with deliver beautiful blooming and green plants, gourmet and fruit baskets, balloons and brilliant custom designed fresh floral and silk arrangements to all hospitals, funeral homes, schools, and businesses with. We would be honored to be your virtual florist when sending to Missouri.

Flower Border

Places to Send Flowers using a Local Florist near Missouri

Send flowers to these locations:
Acornridge Earth City Lake Viking Qulin
Adair Easley Lake Waukomis Racket
Adrian East Prairie Lake Winnebago Ralston Purina
Advance Easton Lakeland Randles
Affton Eastwood Lakenan Randolph
Agency Economy Lakeside Ravenwood
Albany Edgar Springs Lakeview Raymondville
Aldrich Edgerton Lakeview Heights Raymore
Alexandria Edina Lambert Raytown
Allbright Edmundson Lambert Airport Rayville
Allenville El Dorado Spg Lambert Arprt Readsville
Alley Springs El Dorado Springs Lamine Red Bird
Alma Eldon Lanagan Redings Mill
Altamont Eldorado Springs Lancaster Reeds
Altenburg Eldridge Lanes Prairie Reeds Spring
Alton Elk Creek Lanton Reform
Amazonia Elkhead Laquey Reger
American Nat Prop Casualty Elkhorn Laredo Rensselaer
Americus Elkhurst Larussell Republic
Anabel Elkland Latham Revere
Anderson Ellington Lathrop Rhineland
Annada Ellis Prairie Latour Rich Fountain
Annapolis Ellisville Laurie Rich Hill
Antonia Ellsinore Lawson Richards
Apple Creek Elmer Leadington Richmond
Appleton City Elmira Leadwood Richmond Heights
Arab Elmo Leasburg Richmond Hts
Arbela Elmwood Lebanon Richwoods
Arbor Elston Lecoma Ridgedale
Arbyrd Elvins Lees Summit Ridgeway
Arcadia Ely Leeton Riggs
Arcola Emden Lemay Rivermines
Ardmore Eminence Lemons Riverside
Argyle Enon Lenox Riversville
Arnold Eolia Lentner Riverview
Aroma Equality Leonard Roanoke
Asbury Ernestville Leopold Robertson
Ash Essex Leslie Robertsville
Asherville Estill Lesterville Roby
Ashland Ethel Lewis Station Rocheport
Ashton Ethlyn Lewistown Rock Hill
Athens Etlah Lexington Rock Port
Atlanta Etterville Liberal Rockaway Bch
Att Eudora Liberty Rockaway Beach
Auburn Eugene Libertyville Rockport
Augusta Eunice Licking Rockview
Aullville Eureka Liege Rockville
Aurora Evening Shade Lilbourn Rocky Comfort
Aurora Springs Everton Lincoln Rocky Mount
Austin Ewing Lindbergh Rocky Ridge
Auxvasse Ex Spgs Linden Rogersville
Ava Ex Sprgs Linn Rolla
Avalon Ex Springs Linn Creek Rosati
Avondale Excello Linneus Rosebud
Babbtown Excelsior Est Lithium Rosel
Bachelor Excelsior Spg Livonia Rosendale
Bagnell Excelsior Springs Lk Lotawana Rothville
Bahner Exclsor Sprgs Lk Winnebago Round Spring
Bairdtown Exeter Lock Springs Rowena
Bakersfield Fagus Locust Hill Rucker
Ballwin Fair Grove Lohman Rueter
Bank Of America Fair Play Loma Linda Rush Hill
Baring Fairdealing Lone Elm Rushville
Barnard Fairfax Lonedell Russellville
Barnesville Fairmont Long Lane Rutledge
Barnett Fairport Longrun S Greenfield
Barnhart Fairview Longtown Safe
Bass Pro Shops Falcon Longwood Sagrada
Bates City Farber Loose Creek Saint Ann
Battlefield Farmington Louis Saint Anne
Beaman Faucett Louisburg Saint Catharine
Beaufort Fayette Louisiana Saint Charles
Bel Nor Federal Reserve Low Ground Saint Clair
Bel Ridge Femme Osage Lowry City Saint Clement
Belgrade Fenton Ls Saint Elizabeth
Bell City Ferguson Lsl Saint Francisville
Bella Villa Ferrelview Lucerne Saint James
Belle Center Festus Ludlow Saint John
Bellefontaine Neighbors Fidelity Luebbering Saint Joseph
Bellerive Fillmore Lupus Saint Louis
Belleview Finley Luray Saint Martins
Bellflower First National Bank Lutesville Saint Mary
Belton Firstar Bank Luystown Saint Marys
Bem Fisk Lynchburg Saint Paul
Bendavis Flat River Lyon Saint Peters
Bennett Flemington Machens Saint Robert
Benton Fletcher Macks Creek Saint Roberts
Benton City Flor Macomb Saint Thomas
Berger Flordell Hills Madison Sainte Genevieve
Berkeley Florence Madisonville Salem
Bernie Florida Maitland Saline City
Berryman Florissant Malden Salt Pond
Bertrand Foley Malta Bend Salt River
Berwick Folk Manchester Sand Hill
Bethany Ford Motor Credit Co Manes Sandy Hook
Bethel Fordland Mansfield Santa Fe
Beulah Forest City Maples Sapp
Beverly Hills Forest Green Maplewood Sappington
Bevier Forest Springs Marble Hill Sarcoxie
Bible Grove Foristell Marceline Savannah
Biehle Forsyth Marine Corps Finance Center Schell City
Big Creek Fort Leonard Wood Marionville Schluersburg
Big Piney Fortescue Maritz Inc Scholastics Inc
Big Springs Fortuna Marshall Schubert
Bigelow Foster Marshall Junction Scopus
Billings Frankclay Marshfield Scotland
Billingsville Frankenstein Marthasville Scott City
Birmingham Frankford Martin City Sedalia
Bismarck Franklin Martinsburg Sedgewickville
Bixby Fredericksburg Martinstown Sedgewickvlle
Black Fredericktown Martinsville Senath
Black Jack Freeborn Marvel Cav Pk Sereno
Black Walnut Freedom Marvel Cave Park Shannondale
Blackburn Freeman Marvin Sharon
Blackwater Fremont Maryknoll Shaw
Blackwell French Village Maryland Heights Shelbina
Blairstown French Vlg Maryland Hts Sheldon
Bland Friedheim Marys Home Shelter Insurance
Bloomfield Fristoe Maryville Sheridan
Bloomsdale Frohna Matson Sherman
Blue Eye Frontenac Matthews Shibleys Point
Blue Springs Ft Leonard Wd Maud Shook
Bluffton Ft Osage Maysville Shrewsbury
Blythedale Fulton Mayview Sibley
Boekerton Gainesville Maywood Sidney
Bogard Gallatin Mc Bride Sikeston
Bois D Arc Galmey Mc Clurg Silex
Bolckow Galt Mc Fall Silva
Bolivar Gamma Mc Gee Silver Dollar City
Bonne Terre Garrison Mcbaine Silver Lake
Bonnots Mill Garwood Mcfall Simmons
Boonesboro Gas Service Co Mckittrick Skidmore
Boonville Gasconade Meadville Slagle
Boss Gatewood Medill Slater
Bosworth Gentry Mehlville Sligo
Boulder City Gentryville Memphis Smithfield
Bowling Green Georgetown Mendon Smithton
Boynton Gerald Mendota Smithville
Bragg City Gibbs Mercantile Bank Smsu
Branch Gideon Mercer Snyder
Branson Gilliam Mercyville Solo
Branson West Gilman City Merriam Vlg Sorrell
Brashear Gilmore Merriam Woods Village Souder
Braymer Gipsy Meta South Fork
Brazito Gladden Mexico South Gifford
Breckenridge Gladstone Miami South Greenfield
Breckenridge Hills Glasgow Village Mid Missouri PDf South River
Brecknrdg Hls Glenallen Middle Brook South Shore
Brentwood Glencoe Middle Grove South Van Buren
Brewer Glendale Middletown South West City
Briar Glensted Midland South West Cy
Bridgeton Glenwood Midway Southwestern Bell Telephone
Bridgeton Terrace Glover Midwest Service Center Spalding
Brighton Goldberry Mildred Spanish Lake
Brimson Golden Milford Sparta
Briscoe Goldsberry Mill Spring Speed
Brixey Gooch Mill Millard Sperry
Brlngton Jctn Goodfellow Terrace Millcreek Spickard
Brm Springfield Goodland Millersburg Spokane
Bronaugh Goodman Millersville Spring Bluff
Brookfield Goodson Millwood Spring Garden
Brookline Gordonville Milo Spring Lake
Brookline Sta Gorin Mincy Springfield
Brooklyn Heights Goss Mindenmines Springfork
Broseley Gouch Mill Mine La Motte Springtown
Browning Gower Mineola Squires
Browns Spring Graff Miner St Anne
Browns Station Graham Mineral Point St Catharine
Brumley Grain Valley Mint Hill St Joseph
Brush Creek Granby Mirabile St Peters
Buckhorn Grand Falls Missouri State University St Robert
Bucklin Grand Pass Mo Dept Of Revenue St Roberts
Buckner Grandin Moberly Stahl
Bucyrus Grandview Mokane Stark City
Buell Granger Moline Acres Starkenburg
Buffalo Granville Monett State Farm Ins
Bull Creek Village Grassy Monkey Run Ste Genevieve
Bunker Gravelton Monroe City Steedman
Burfordville Gray Summit Monsanto Steele
Burke City Grays Point Montgomery Steelville
Burlingtn Jct Graysville Montgomery City Steffenville
Burlington Junction Green Castle Montgomery Cy Stella
Butterfield Green City Monticello Stephens
Bynumville Green Lawn Montreal Stephens College
Byron Green Ridge Montrose Stet
Cabool Greenbrier Montserrat Stewartsville
Cadet Greendale Mooresville Stockton
Cainsville Greensburg Mora Stones Corner
Cairo Greentop Morgan Heights Stoney Point
Caledonia Greenview Morrisville Stony Hill
Calhoun Greenville Mosby Stotesbury
California Greenwood Moscow Mills Stotts City
Callao Gretna Moselle Stoutsville
Calverton Park Grogan Mound City Stover
Calwood Grover Moundville Strafford
Camden Grovespring Mount Hulda Strain
Camden Point Grubville Mount Moriah Stringtown
Camdenton Gumbo Mount Sterling Strother
Cameron Gunn City Mount Vernon Sturdivant
Camp Branch Guthrie Mountain Grove Sturgeon
Camp Clark Hagars Grove Mountain Grv Sublette
Campbell Hale Mountain View Success
Campbellton Half Way Mt Sterling Sugar Creek
Canaan Hallsville Murphy Sullivan
Canton Hamilton Murry Sulphur Spg
Cape Fair Hanley Hills Musselfork Sulphur Springs
Cape Girardeau Hannibal Myrtle Summerfield
Cappeln Hardenville Mystic Summersville
Capps Creek Hardin N Kansas City Sumner
Cardwell Harg N Kc Sunrise Beach
Carl Junction Harris Napoleon Sunset Hills
Carrington Harrisburg Napton Sw Mo State
Carrollton Harrisonville Naylor Swedeborg
Carterville Hart Nebo Sweet Springs
Carthage Hartsburg Neelyville Swiss
Caruth Hartshorn Nelson Sycamore
Caruthersville Hartwell Neosho Syracuse
Caruthersvlle Harvester Nevada Taberville
Carytown Harwood New Bloomfield Taneyville
Case Hassard New Bloomfld Taos
Cassville Hastain New Boston Tarkio
Catawissa Hatfield New Cambria Tarrants
Catron Hatton New Florence Taylor
Caulfield Hawk Point New Franklin Tebbetts
Cedar City Hayden New Hamburg Tecumseh
Cedar Gap Hayti New Hampton Teresita
Cedar Hill Hayti Heights New Hartford Thayer
Cedar Ridge Hayward New Haven Thomas Hill
Cedron Haywood City New Hope Thomasville
Center Hazelwood New London Thompson
Centerre Bank Of Kc Helena New Madrid Thornfield
Centertown Hemple New Offenburg Timber
Centerview Henley New Truxton Times Beach
Centerville Henrietta New Wells Tina
Central City Herculaneum Newark Tipton
Centralia Hermitage Newburg Tolona
Chadwick Hickory Hill Newtonia Town And Country
Chaffee Higbee Newtown Tracy
Chain Of Rocks Higginsville Niangua Trimble
Chariton High Gate Nind Triplett
Charlack High Hill Nixa Troy
Charles J Coyle High Point Nkc Truesdail
Charleston High Ridge No Kansas City Truesdale
Cherkee Hmstd Highland Noble Truxton
Cherokee Homestead Village Highlandville Noel Tunas
Cherry Box Hillsboro Norborne Turney
Cherryville Hinton Nordstrom Tuscumbia
Chesterfield Hiram Normandy Twin Oaks
Chestnutridge Hoberg North County Twn And Cntry
Chicopee Hoene Spring North Kansas City Tyrone
Chilhowee Holcomb North Kc U City
Chillicothe Holden North Lilbourn Udall
Chula Holliday North Salem Ulman
Clara Hollister Northmoor Umc Hospital Clinics
Clarence Holt Northwest Plaza Union
Clark Holts Summit Northwoods Union City
Clarks Fork Homeland Nbc Norwood Union Star
Clarksburg Homestead Vlg Nottinghill Uniontown
Clarksdale Homestown Novelty Unionville
Clarkson Valley Honey Creek Novinger United Missouri Bank
Clarksville Hope Number Eight Unity School Of Christianity
Clarkton Hopewell Nw Plaza Unity Village
Clay Hopkins O Fallon Unity Vlg
Claycomo Horine Oak Grove Univ City
Clayton Hornersville Oak Ridge Univ Of Missouri
Clearmont Hornet Oakland University City
Clearwater Horton Oakview University Cy
Cleavesville House Creek Oakville University Of Missouri
Cleveland House Springs Oates Urbandale
Clever Houston Ocie Urich
Clifton Hill Houston Lake Odessa Usps Inspection Service
Climax Sprgs Houstonia Ofallon Valles Mines
Clinton Howardville Old Alexandria Valley City
Clover Bottom Huggins Old Appleton Valley Park
Clubb Hughesville Old Fredonia Van Buren
Clyde Hugo Old Mines Vancleve
Cncpton Jctn Humansville Old Monroe Vandalia
Coatsville Hume Old Woolam Vandiver Village
Cobalt City Hunnewell Old Woollam Vanzant
Coffey Huntington Olean Velda Village Hills
Coffman Huntleigh Olivette Vera
Coldwater Huntsdale Olympian Village Verona
Cole Camp Huntsville Oran Versailles
College Mound Hurdland Orchard Farm Vichy
Collins I R S Service Center Oregon Vienna
Colony Iantha Oronogo Vigus
Columbia Ilasco Orrick Villa Ridge
Columbia College Imperial Osage Beach Village Of Four Seasons
Commerce Bank Income Tax Refund Osage Bend Village Of Loch Lloyd
Conception Independence Osage Bluff Village Of Oakview
Conception Junction Indian Creek Osage City Vineyard
Concordia Indian Grove Osborn Vinita Park
Connelsville Information Systems Srvc Ctr Osceola Viola
Conran Ink Otterville Vista
Conway Innsbrook Otto Vitilas Reid
Cook Internal Revenue Service Overland Vlg Loch Loyd
Cooper Hill Iron Gates Overton Vlg Of 4 Ssns
Cora Iron Mountain Owasco Vulcan
Corder Irondale Owensville W Plains
Corning Ironton Owls Bend Wainwright
Corridon Irs Service Center Ozark Wakenda
Corso Irwin Pacific Walker
Cosby Isabella Pagedale Walnut Grove
Cottleville Jackson Painton Walnut Shade
Cotton Jacksonville Palace Wappapello
Cottonwood Point Jadwin Palmyra Wardell
Couch Jameson Palopinto Wardsville
Country Club Hills Jamesport Paradise Warrensburg
Courtesy Reply Mail Firms Jamestown Park Hills Warrenton
Courtois Jane Parker Lake Warsaw
Cowgill Japan Parkville Warson Woods
Cpe Girardeau Jasper Parma Washburn
Crane Jefferson City Parnell Washington
Creighton Jefferson Cty Pasadena Hills Wasola
Crescent Jenkins Pasadena Park Watson
Crestwood Jennings Pascola Waverly
Cretcher Jerico Spgs Passaic Wayland
Creve Coeur Jerico Sprgs Patterson Waynesville
Crocker Jerico Springs Patton Weatherby
Cross Timbers Jerome Pattonsburg Weatherby Lake
Crosstown Jonesburg Paydown Weaubleau
Crystal City Joplin Paynesville Webb City
Crystal Lake Park Josephville Pea Ridge Webster Groves
Crystal Lakes K C Peace Valley Webster Grvs
Cuba Kahoka Peach Orchard Weingarten
Curryville Kaiser Peaksville Weldon Spring
Cyrene Kampville Peculiar Weldon Spring Heights
Dadeville Kampville Beach Pendleton Wellington
Daisy Kampville Court Pennville Wellston
Dalton Kans City Perryville Wentworth
Damascus Kans Cty Pershing Wentzville
Danville Kans Cy Petersburg West Alton
Dardenne Kansas City Pevely West County
Dardenne Pr Kansas City North Philadelphia West Ely
Dardenne Prairie Kansas Cty Philatelic Distribution Ctr West Eminence
Darksville Kansas Cy Phillipsburg West Line
Darlington Kaseyville Piedmont West Plains
Davis Kc Pierce City West Quincy
Davisville Kearney Pierpont Westboro
Dawn Kendricktown Pilot Grove Weston
De Kalb Kennett Pine Lawn Westphalia
De Soto Kenwood Pineville Wheatland
De Witt Keota Pisgah Wheeling
Dearborn Keytesville Plainview Whitakerville
Deepwater Kidder Plato Whitewater
Deer Park Kimberling City Platte City Wildwood
Deer Ridge Kimberling Cy Platte Woods Willard
Deerfield Kimmswick Plattsburg Williamsburg
Defiance Kinder Pleasant Hill Williamstown
Dellwood King City Pleasant Hope Williamsville
Denver Kingdom City Pleasant Valley Willmathsville
Des Arc Kingston Pleasant Vly Willow Spgs
Des Peres Kingsville Point Pleasant Willow Springs
Desloge Kinloch Polk Wilton
Desoto Kirbyville Pollock Winchester
Detmold Kirksville Polo Windsor
Devils Elbow Kirkwood Pomona Windyville
Dexter Kissee Mills Ponce De Leon Winfield
Diamond Kliever Pond Winigan
Diehlstadt Knob Noster Poplar Bluff Winona
Dissen Knox City Portageville Winston
Dittmer Koeltztown Portland Winthrop
Div Of Employment Sec Koenig Potosi Wisdom
Div Of Family Services Koshkonong Pottersville Withers Mill
Div Of Income Tax Due Ks City Powell Wittenberg
Div Of Witholding Tax La Belle Powersite Womack
Dixie La Grange Powersville Wood Heights
Dixon La Monte Poynor Woodland
Doe Run La Plata Prairie City Woodlandville
Doniphan Labadie Prairie Hill Woodlawn
Dora Laclede Prairie Home Woodlinville
Doss Laclede Gas Co Prairieville Woodson Terrace
Dover Laddonia Prathersville Woodville
Downing Ladue Preston Wooldridge
Drake Laguna Beach Prices Branch Worth
Dresden Lake Adelle Princeton Worthington
Drury Lake Annette Prosperity Wright City
Dudley Lake Chesterfield Protem Wthrby Lake
Dugginsville Lake Forest Prtg De Sioux Wyaconda
Duke Lake Lafayette Prtg De Souix Yarrow
Duncans Bridge Lake Lotawana Purdin Yates
Dunksburg Lake Ozark Purdy Youngstown
Dunnegan Lake Saint Louis Pure Air Yount
Duquesne Lake Sherwood Puxico Yukon
Durham Lake St Louis Queen City Zalma
Eagle Rock Lake Tapawingo Quincy Zanoni
Eagleville Lake Tapwingo Quitman Zell