Floral Arrangement and Flowers Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
  Click to order for someone in Oregon
Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
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Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
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Dozen Plus $99.99
Dozen Plus $99.99
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Match Made in Heaven $79.99
Match Made in Heaven $79.99
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Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
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Always You Bouquet $124.99
Always You Bouquet $124.99
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Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
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Swooning Over You $74.99
Swooning Over You $74.99
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Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
Flowers by Jerry

Welcome to Flowers by Jerry. We are a family owned, full service florist and have been in business for over 50 years. Our online store service is here to help you find the best local florist, anywhere nationwide. With our nationwide affiliation, we do the work for you. The local florists we partner with deliver beautiful blooming and green plants, gourmet and fruit baskets, balloons and brilliant custom designed fresh floral and silk arrangements to all hospitals, funeral homes, schools, and businesses with. We would be honored to be your virtual florist when sending to Oregon.

Flower Border

Places to Send Flowers using a Local Florist near Oregon

Send flowers to these locations:
Abmps Eagle Crest Long Creek Rogue River
Acorn Park Eagle Point Lorane Rome
Adair Village East Lake Lostine Rose Lodge
Adams Eastside Lowell Roseburg
Adrian Echo Lyons Rowena
Agate Beach Eddyville Malin Rsbg
Agness Elsie Manhattan Beach Rye Valley
Albany Emu U Of Or Manning Saginaw
Aloha Estacada Mapleton Saint Louis
Alpine Eu Marcola Saint Paul
Alsea Eugene Marion Salem
Amity Fairview Mayville Sandy
Arcadia Fall Creek Maywood Park Santa Clara
Arlington Fields Maywood Pk Scholls
Ashland Finn Rock Mc Kenzie Brg Scio
Ashwood Fir Grove Mc Kenzie Bridge Scotts Mills
Astoria First Consumers Nat Bank Mcminnville Scottsburg
AtT Forest Grove Mcnary Seaside
Aumsville Forest Heights Meacham Selma
Aurora Fossil Medford Shedd
Baker Foster Medical Spgs Sherwood
Bandon Fox Medical Springs Silver Lake
Banks Frenchglen Mehama Silverton
Barlow Friend Merlin Sixes
Bates Gales Creek Metolius South Beach
Bay City Gales Creek Country Store Mikkalo Spfd
Beatty Galice Milton Frwtr Spfld
Beaver Gardiner Milton-Freewater Sprague River
Beavercreek Gaston Milwaukie Springdale
Beaverton Gates Mist Springfield
Bend Gearhart Mitchell St Paul
Beulah Gen Electric Mohler Stanfield
Biggs General Electric Monitor State Accident Ins
Biggs Junction Gervais Monmouth State Farm Ins
Blachly Gilchrist Mosier State Government
Black Butte Gladstone Mount Angel Stayton
Blk Btte Rnch Glendale Mount Hood Sublimity
Boring Gleneden Bch Mount Hood Parkdale Summerville
Bridgeport Gleneden Beach Mount Hood-Parkdale Sumpter
Brighton Glenwood Mount Vernon Sunnyvalley
Brightwood Glide Mountain Park Sunriver
Broadbent Gold Hill Mt Hood Sutherlin
Brooks Government Cp Mt Hood Prkdl Swisshome
Brothers Grand Island Mt Vernon Talent
Brownsville Granite Mulino Tangent
Burlington Grants Pass Murphys Camp Tektronix
Butte Falls Grass Valley Myrtle Creek Tenmile
Butteville Greenacres Myrtle Point The Dalles
Cairo Greenleaf N Powder Thurston
Camp Sherman Gresham Neahkahnie Tigard
Canby Haines Neotsu Tillamook
Canyon City Halsey Neskowin Tiller
Canyonville Hammond Netarts Timber
Cape Meares Happy Valley Netarts Bay Timberline Lodge
Carlton Harper Newberg Tmbrline Ldg
Carver Hebo North Bend Tollgate
Cascade Locks Helix Norway Tongue Point
Cascadia Helvetia Noti Trail
Cayuse Hereford Nw Natural Triangle Lake
Cedar Mill Hermiston Nw Natural Gas Troutdale
Celilo Hillsboro Nyssa Tualatin
Central Point Hood River O Brien Turner
Charbonneau Hubbard Oak Grove Twin Rocks
Charleston Hugo Oak Lodge Umatilla
Chemult Idanha Oakland Union
Christmas Vly Idleyld Park Ontario Unity
Clackamas Imbler Oregon City Us Bank
Claude Imnaha Oregon State Univ Us West
Coburg Independence Orenco Vale
College Crest Interlachen Oretech Valley River Center
Colton Ironside Oswego Vaughn
Condon Irrigon Otis Verboort
Coos Bay Irving Owyhee Corners W Linn
Coos Head Naval Facility Jacksonville Oxbow Walden
Corbett Jamieson P Hill Walker
Cornelius Jasper Pacificorp Walterville
Corvallis Jefferson Paisley Walton
Country Club Plaza Jennings Lodge Parkrose Wamic
Cove Jewell Paulina Wankers Corners
Crater Lake John Day Pendleton Warrenton
Crescent Johnson City Philomath Wemme
Crescent Lake Jonesboro Phoenix West Linn
Creswell Junction City Pine Grove West Slope
Crkd Rvr Rnch Juntura Pistol River West Stayton
Crooked River Keating Pleasant Hill West Union
Crow Keizer Plush Westfir
Culp Creek Kerby Portland Westlake
Curtin Kernville Post Weston
Dairy Kfalls Prairie City Westport
Dallas King City Princeton White City
Damascus Kingsley Field Prineville Willamette
Danner Kinzua Progress Williams
Dayton Klamath Falls Prospect Willowcreek
Dayville La Grande Qwest Wilsonville
Deadwood La Pine Redland Win Bay
Dept Employment Lake Grove Redmond Winchester Bay
Dept Motor Vehicle Lake Oswego Remote Winchestr Bay
Diamond Lakeside Rhododendron Winston
Dodson Lakeview Rickreall Wolf Creek
Dorena Lawen Riley Wood Village
Dover Leaburg Ritter Woodburn
Drewsey Lebanon Rock Creek Worden
Dufur Lees Camp Rockaway Yamhill
Dundee Lexington Rockaway Bch Yoncalla
Durham Liberal Rockaway Beach Zigzag
E Lake Lime Rockwood
Eagle Creek Logsden Rogue Elk