Floral Arrangement and Flowers Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
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Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
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Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
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Dozen Plus $99.99
Dozen Plus $99.99
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Match Made in Heaven $79.99
Match Made in Heaven $79.99
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Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
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Always You Bouquet $124.99
Always You Bouquet $124.99
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Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
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Swooning Over You $74.99
Swooning Over You $74.99
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Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
Flowers by Jerry

Welcome to Flowers by Jerry. We are a family owned, full service florist and have been in business for over 50 years. Our online store service is here to help you find the best local florist, anywhere nationwide. With our nationwide affiliation, we do the work for you. The local florists we partner with deliver beautiful blooming and green plants, gourmet and fruit baskets, balloons and brilliant custom designed fresh floral and silk arrangements to all hospitals, funeral homes, schools, and businesses with. We would be honored to be your virtual florist when sending to Pennsylvania.

Flower Border

Places to Send Flowers using a Local Florist near Pennsylvania

Send flowers to these locations:
30Th Street Train Station Elizabethville Longstown Rices Landing
A A R P Ins Elizabethvle Longswamp Richards Grv
Abbott Elizabthtwn Lopez Richboro
Abbottstown Elk Lorane Richfield
Aberdeen Elk Grove Lorberry Richland
Abington Elkins Park Lords Valley Richlandtown
Academia Elkland Lorenton Richmond Furn
Academy Life Ellen Gowan Loretto Richmondale
Accomac Ellendale Lower Augusta Richvale
Ackermanville Elliottsburg Lower Burrell Ridgeville
Acme Ellisburg Lower Chichester Ridgewood
Adah Ellport Lower Gwynedd Ridgway
Adamsburg Ellwood City Lower Longswamp Ridley Park
Adamsdale Elmer Lower Makefield Rife
Adamsville Elstonville Lower Mifflin Rillton
Addison Elverson Lower Paxton Rimersburg
Adrian Elwyn Lower Shaft Rinely
Africa Elwyn Terrace Lower Swatara Ringtown
Airville Elysburg Lowville River View Park
Akron Emerald Loyalhanna Rixford
Albany Emery Air Freight Loyalsock Roadside
Albion Emlenton Loyalsockvle Roaring Branch
Albion Correctional Inst Emmaus Loyalton Roaring Brnch
Albrightsvlle Emporium Loysburg Roaring Creek
Alburtis Emsworth Lucinda Roaring Spg
Alcoa Center Enders Lucky Roaring Spring
Aldan Englesville Lucy Furnace Robertsdale
Aleppo Englewood Luke Fidler Robeson
Alexander Spr English Ctr Lumberville Robesonia
Alexander Springs Enola Lundys Lane Robinson
Alexandria Enon Valley Lungerville Rocherty
Alfarata Enterline Lurgan Rochester
Alinda Entlerville Luthersburg Rochester Mills
Aline Entriken Luzerne Rochester Mls
Aliq Ephrata Lyc Co Airprt Rockefeller
Aliquippa Erdenheim Lycoming Rockland
Allegheny Erdman Lyndon Rockledge
Allegheny Area Erie Lyndora Rockrimmin Ridge
Alleghenyville Erie Ins Exchange Lynn Rockton
Allensville Erly Lynnewood Gardens Rockwood
Allentown Ernest Mable Rocky Grove
Allentown Airport Branch Erwinna Mac Arthur Rodale Press
Allenwood Eshbach Macarthur Roedersville
Allison Eshcol Macedonia Rogersville
Allison Park Espy Macungie Roherstown
Allport Espyville Maddensville Rohrerstown
Allstate Insurance Co Essington Madera Rohrsburg
Alltel Etna Madison Township Romansville
Almedia Etown Madison Twp Rome
Alpine Etters Madisonburg Ronks
Alsace Manor Eulalia Mahaffey Rook
Altamont Evansville Mahanoy Rose Tree
Altenwald Evendale Mahanoy City Rose Valley
Altoona Everett Mahanoy Cty Roseann
Altria Everhartville Mahanoy Cy Rosecrans
Alverton Eville Mahoning Rosemont
Amaranth Ewaterfrd Mainesburg Roseto
Ambler Ewtrford Mainsville Roseville
Ambridge Excelsior Mainville Roslyn
Amity Exchange Maitland Ross Sid
Andalusia Exeter Malvern Rossiter
Anderson Exeter Township Manatawny Rote
Andersonburg Export Manayunk Rothsville
Andersontown Exton Manchester Rough And Ready
Andover Eyers Grove Mandata Roulette
Andreas Eynon Manhattan Royalton
Andrews Bridge Factoryville Manheim Royersford
Angelica Fagleysville Mann Rudytown
Anita Fair Acres Manns Choice Ruffs Dale
Annandale Fairchance Mannsville Rupert
Annville Fairdale Manoa Rush
Ansonia Fairfield Manor Rushtown
Anthony Fairhope Manor Ridge Rushville
Antis Fairland Mansfield Russell
Apollo Fairlawn Mansville Russellton
Aqua Fairless Hills Maple Glen Rutland
Arch Rock Fairless Hls Maple Grove Park Rutledge
Archbald Fairmount City Maple Hill Rydal
Arcola Fairmount Cty Mapleton Dep Ryde
Ardara Fairmount Spr Mapleton Depot Ryeland
Ardmore Fairoaks Marble S Abingtn Twp
Ardsley Fairplay Marcus Hook S Abington Twp
Armagh Fairview Marianna S Connellsvl
Armstrong Fairview Drive Marietta S Connelsvl
Arnold Fairview Heights Marion Center S Londonderry
Arnots Addition Fairview Village Markelsville S Sterling
Arsenal Fairview Vlg Markes S Williamspor
Artemas Fairville Markleton S Williamsport
Asaph Fallentimber Markleysburg S Williamsprt
Ashbury Falls Marple Township Sabinsville
Ashland Falls Creek Mars Sacramento
Ashley Fallsington Marsh Saegertown
Ashville Falmouth Marsh Hill Safe Harbor
Aspers Fannett Marsh Run Sagamore Hill
Aspinwall Fannettsburg Marshallton Saginaw
Aston Farmdale Marshlands Sagon
At T Farmersville Marsteller Saint Benedict
Atglen Farmington Marstown Saint Boniface
Athens Farragut Martic Saint Clair
Athens Township Farrandsville Martic Forge Saint Clairsv
Atkinsons Mills Farrell Marticville Saint Clairsville
Atkinsons Mls Farwell Martindale Saint Davids
Atlantic Fassett Martinsburg Saint Lawrence
Atlas Fawn Marwood Saint Marys
Auburn Fawn Grove Marysville Saint Thomas
Audubon Faxon Mascot Salisbury
Aughwick Fayette City Mason Dixon Salix
Augustaville Fayetteville Masontown Salladasburg
Aultman Fayfield Mastersonville Salona
Austinburg Fearnot Matamoras Saltsburg
Austinville Feasterville Mausdale Salunga
Avalon Feasterville Trevose Mayberry Saluvia
Avella Federal Communications Com Mayfield Sanatoga
Avoca Felton Mayport Sandbeach
Avon Feltonville Maysville Sandy Lake
Avon Heights Fenelton Maze Sandy Ridge
Avondale Fermanagh Mazeppa Sarver
Avonmore Fern Glen Mc Alisterville Saville
Bachmanville Fernville Mc Alistervl Saxonburg
Baden Fernwood Mc Alistervle Saxton
Baederwood Fertility Mc Clellandtown Sayre
Bailey Fetterville Mc Clure Scandia
Bainbridge Fidelity Bank Mc Connellsbg Scenery Hill
Bakers Summit Fields Sta Mc Connellsburg Schellsburg
Bakerstown Finleyville Mc Donald Schnecksville
Bala Firm Zip Mc Gees Mills Schoeneck
Bala Cynwyd Firm Zip Concept Mc Kean Schoentown
Bald Eagle First Penna Bank Mc Kees Rocks Schofer
Baldwin Fisherdale Mc Knight Schubert
Baldwin Township Fishers Ferry Mc Murray Schultzville
Balls Mills Fishertown Mc Sherrystown Schuykl Havn
Bally Fisherville Mc Veytown Schuyler
Bamford Five Points Mcadoo Schuylkill Haven
Bangor Fiveforks Mcalistervle Schwenksville
Bankstown Fivepointville Mcclellan Sciota
Bannerville Fleetwood Mcclellandtown Scotrun
Barbours Flemington Mcclellandtwn Scottdale
Baresville Flicksville Mcclure Scranton
Bareville Flinton Mcconnellsburg Scyoc
Barkeyville Flintville Mccoysville Seagers
Barking Floradale Mccrea Seanor
Barnesboro Floreffe Mccullochs Ml Sebring
Barnesville Florin Mcdonald Secane
Barneytown Flourtown Mcgees Mills Selea
Barree Fogelsville Mcgillstown Selective Service System
Barrville Folcroft Mckeansburg Selinsgrove
Barry Folsom Mckee Half Fl Sellersville
Barto Fombell Mckees Rocks Seltzer
Bartville Fontana Mckeesport Seneca
Basket Ford Motor Credit Corp Mcknight Sereno
Bastress Forest City Mclane Seven Fields
Bath Forest Hills Mcmurray Seven Pines
Baumgardner Foresthill Mcnett Seven Stars
Baumstown Forks Township Mcsherrystown Seven Valleys
Beach Lake Forks Twp Mcsparren Sevenpoints
Beale Forksville Mcveytown Seward
Bear Creek Fort Hill Mcveytwn Sewickley
Bear Creek Township Fort Littletn Mdby Center Seyfert
Bear Creek Tw Fort Littleton Mdt Shade Gap
Bear Gap Fort Loudon Meadia Heights Shade Valley
Bear Lake Fort Robinson Meadow Gap Shadyside
Bear Valley Fort Washington Meadowbrook Shaft
Beartown Fortney Meadowview Shamokin
Beautiful Forty Fort Meadville Shamrock Station
Beaver Fountain Mech Shanesville
Beaver Falls Fountain Hill Mechancsbrg Shared Return Zip
Beaver Lake Fountain Springs Mechanics Grove Sharon
Beaver Mdws Fountainville Mechanicsburg Sharon Hill
Beaver Meadows Fox Mechanicsville Sharpsburg
Beaver Spgs Fox Chapel Mechanicsvlle Sharpsville
Beaver Sprgs Fox Chase Manor Mechbg Shavertown
Beaver Springs Fox Hill Mecks Corner Sheffield
Beavertown Foxcroft Media Shellsville
Beccaria Foxcroft Sq Mehoopany Shelocta
Bechtelsville Foxcroft Square Meiser Shenandoah
Beckersville Frackville Meiserville Shenandoah Heights
Becks Frailey Melcroft Shenandoah Junction
Bedford Franconia Mellon Bank Shenango
Beech Creek Franklin Mellon Bank 1 Shenks Ferry
Beech Flats Franklin Center Mellon Bank East Shepherdstown
Beech Glen Franklin Ctr Melrose Sheridan
Beecherstown Franklin Furn Melrose Park Shermans Dale
Beechview Franklin Mint Menges Mills Shermansdale
Belfast Frazer Menno Shickshinny
Bell Of Pennsylvania Frederick Mercer Shillington
Bell Telephone Fredericksbrg Mercersburg Shiloh
Bell Telephone Co Fredericksburg Mercy Hospital Shimpstown
Bella Vista Fredericksville Meridian Shindle
Bellaire Fredericktown Meridian Bank Shinglehse
Belle Valley Fredonia Merion Shintown
Belle Vernon Freeburg Merion Park Shippen
Belle Vrn Br Freedom Merion Sta Shippensburg
Bellefonte Freeland Merion Station Shippenville
Bellegrove Freemansburg Merrian Shiremanstown
Bellemont Freeport Mertztown Shirleysburg
Belleville Frenchville Meshoppen Shocks Mills
Bellevue Freysville Metal Shoemakers
Belltown Friedens Metropolitan Edison Co Shoemakersville
Bellvue Friendsville Meyersdale Shoemakersvle
Bellwood Frisbie Mid City East Shope Gardens
Belmont Hills Fritztown Mid City West Shorbes Hill
Ben Avon Frogtown Middle City East Shortsville
Ben Avon Heights Frostburg Middle City West Shraders
Bendertown Fruitville Middle Creek Shrewsbury
Benezett Fryburg Middle Paxton Shumans
Benezette Frystown Middle Spring Shunk
Benfer Fstrvl Trvose Middlebry Ctr Siddonsburg
Bensalem Ft Indiantown Middleburg Sidman
Bentley Creek Ft Littleton Middlebury Sigel
Bentleyville Ft Loudon Middlebury Center Siglerville
Benton Ft Wash Middleswarth Silver Creek
Berkley Ft Washington Middletown Silver Ford
Berkshire Heights Fulton Middletown Twp Silver Lake
Berlin Furlong Middletwn Simpson
Bermudian Furniss Midland Singersville
Berne Gabelsville Midltwn Sinking Spg
Bernharts Gaines Midvalley Sinking Spring
Bernville Galeton Mifflin Sinnamahoning
Berrytown Galilee Mifflinburg Sinsheim
Berwick Gallitzin Mifflintown Sipes Mill
Berwyn Gamble Milan Six Mile Run
Bessemer Ganister Mildred Slackwater
Bethany Gans Mile Hill Slate Hill
Bethayres Gap Mile Run Slateville
Bethel Garards Fort Milford Slatington
Bethel Park Garden City Mill Creek Slickville
Bethesda Gardenview Mill Crk Sligo
Bethlehem Gardenville Mill Grove Slippery Rock
Beverly Hts Gardners Mill Hall Slovan
Biesecker Gap Garfield Mill Run Smicksburg
Big Cove Tann Garnet Valley Millardsville Smithfield
Big Cove Tannery Garrett Millbach Smithmill
Big Mine Run Junction Gatchellville Millbach Sprs Smithton
Big Pond Gay Street Millersbg Smithville
Biggertown Gbg Millersburg Smock
Biglerville Geisinger Med Millerstown Smoketown
Bigmount Geisinger Medical Center Millersville Smyrna
Bingham Genco Millerton Snedekerville
Bino General Elec Co Millheim Snow Shoe
Bird In Hand General Hospital Millmont Snyder Corner
Birdsboro General Tele Co Millport Snyders
Birdville Genesee Mills Snydertown
Birmingham Geneva Millvale Soc Auto Engineers
Bittersville George School Millville Social Sec Admin
Bitumen Georgetown Millway Social Security Admin
Bixler Germansville Milmont Park Somers Lane
Blacklog Gettysburg Milnor Somerset
Blackwell Gibbon Glade Milroy Sonestown
Blain Gibraltar Milton Soradoville
Blainsport Gibsonia Milton Grove Soudersburg
Blair Return Center Gifford Mina Souderton
Blairs Mills Gilbert Mineral Point South Abington Township
Blairsville Gilbertsville Miners Mill South Creek
Blakely Gillett Minersville South Enola
Blakes Ginter Miquon South Erie
Blandon Girard Mlcreek South Fork
Blawnox Girardville Mocanaqua South Gibson
Bloomfield Gitts Run Mohns Hill South Hanover
Blooming Grove Glades Mohnton South Hermitage
Blooming Grv Gladwyne Mohrsville South Hills
Blooming Valley Glassport Molino South Hills Village
Bloomsburg Gleason Molltown South Manheim
Bloserville Glen Campbell Monaca South Middleton
Blossburg Glen Carbon Monessen South Newton
Blue Bell Glen Dower Mongul South Park
Blue Cross Glen Forney Monongahela South Renovo
Blue Hill Glen Hope Monroe Township South Waverly
Blue Ridge Sm Glen Lyon Monroe Twp South Williamsport
Blue Ridge Summit Glen Mawr Monroeton Southampton
Blue Shield Glen Mills Monroeville Spangler
Boalsburg Glen Rdl Lima Mont Alto Spangsville
Boggstown Glen Richey Mont Clare Spartansburg
Bohrmans Mill Glen Riddle Montgomery Spears Grove
Boiling Spgs Glen Riddle Lima Montgomery Fy Specktown
Boiling Sprgs Glencoe Montgomery Twp Speedwell
Boiling Springs Gleniron Montgomeryville Sporting Hill
Bolivar Glenmoore Montgomeryvle Spraggs
Boltz Glenolden Montour Sprankle Mills
Bonneauville Glenshaw Montoursville Sprankle Mls
Book Of Month Glenside Montrose Spring Brook Township
Booneville Glenville Moon Township Spring Church
Boothwyn Glenwillard Moon Twp Spring City
Bordnersville Glenworth Mooresburg Spring Creek
Boston Gnatstown Moosic Spring Glen
Boston Run Gold Mordansville Spring Grove
Boswell Goldsboro Morea Spring House
Botts Good Morea Colliery Spring Mills
Bowman Addition Good Spring Moreland Spring Run
Bowmans Goodhope Morgantown Spring Valley
Boydtown Goodyear Morris Springboro
Boyers Goosetown Morrisdale Springdale
Boyers Junction Gordonville Morrisville Springfield
Boyertown Gouglersville Morton Springhouse
Bra 52 Gowen City Morysville Springmont
Brackenridge Graceton Moscow Springs
Brackney Gracey Moselem Springvale
Braddock Grampian Moselem Springs Springville
Braddock Hills Grampian Hls Moshannon Sprng Brk Twp
Bradenville Grand Valley Mosherville Sproul
Bradfordwoods Grangeville Moulstown Spruce Hill
Brady Grantville Mount Allen Spry
Brandonville Granville Mount Bethel Squirrel Hill
Brandtsville Granville Ctr Mount Carmel St Benedict
Bratton Granville Smt Mount Cobb St Boniface
Brave Grapeville Mount Holly Spgs St Clairsville
Breezewood Graterford Mount Holly Springs St Clrsville
Breezy Corner Gratz Mount Hope St Davids
Breinigsville Graysville Mount Jewett St Lawrence
Brentwood Great Bend Mount Joy St Marys
Bressler Greble Mount Lebanon St Nicholas
Briarcliff Greeley Mount Morris St Thomas
Bricker Dev Green Fields Mount Nebo Stack Town
Brickerville Green Lane Mount Oliver Stahlstown
Bridgeport Green Park Mount Patrick Stanhope
Bridgeton Green Point Mount Penn Starford
Bridgeville Green Ridge Mount Pleasant Starlight
Bridgewater Farms Green Springs Mount Pleasant Mills Starners Station
Bristol Greenbank Mount Pocono Starr
Bro Dart Greenbrier Mount Royal Starrucca
Broad Axe Greenburr Mount Tabor Starview
Broad Top Greenbury Mount Union State College
Brockport Greencastle Mount Washington State Correction Institution
Brodbecks Greene Junction Mount Wilson State Correctional Center
Brodheadsvlle Greenfield Manor Mount Zion State Correctional Inst
Brogue Greenfield Township Mountain Top State Dept Of Education
Brogueville Greenfild Twp Mountville State Employment Security
Brommerstown Greenpark Mowersville State Farm Insurance
Brook Park Greensboro Mowry State General Services
Brookfield Greensburg Moylan State Liquor Control
Brookhaven Greenspring Mt Carmel State Of Pennsylvania
Brookland Greenstone Mt Holly Spgs Steelstown
Brookline Greentree Mt Holly Springs Steelton
Brookside Greenvillage Mt Lebanon Steelville
Broomall Greenville Mt Morris Steinsville
Browndale Greenwich Mt Oliver Sterling
Brownstone Gregg Mt Penn Stevens
Brownsville Greshville Mt Pleasant Stevensville
Brunnerville Griesemersville Mt Pleasant M Stewartstown
Brushtown Grimesville Mt Pleasant Mills Sticks
Bryan Mills Grimville Mt Plsnt Mills Stillwater
Bryansville Grindstone Mt Union Stokesdale
Bryn Mawr Groffdale Mt Washington Stoneboro
Brysonia Grovania Muddy Creek Forks Stonersville
Buck Grove City Muhlenburg Park Stonetown
Buck Run Grove City Postal Retail Str Muir Stoneybreak
Buck Valley Guernsey Muncy Stonington
Buckhorn Guilford Muncy Creek Stony Creek Mills
Buena Vista Guilford Sprs Muncy Valley Stony Run
Buffalo Mills Gulph Mills Munhall Stonybrook
Buffalo Sprs Guys Mills Munson Stonyfork
Buffalo X Rds Gwynedd Murrell Stouchsburg
Bulger H I A Murrysville Stoufferstown
Bulk Mail Center Haddon Craftsmen Book Dist Myersdale Stoughstown
Bulk Mail Ctr Hadley Myerstown Stoverdale
Bulltown Hahnstown Myerstwn Stoverstown
Bungy Haleeka N Bell Vernon Stowe
Bunker Hill Halfville N Belle Vernon Stoystown
Bunkertown Hallam N Belle Vrn Strabane
Bureau Of Motor Vehicles Halls N Bend Strafford
Bureau Of Voc Rehab Hallstead N Cambria Strasburg
Burgettstn Hallton N Charleroi Strattanville
Burgettstown Hamburg N Cornwall Strawberry Rg
Burnham Hametown N Cumberld Strawbridge
Burnt Cabins Hamilton N Huntingdon Stricklerstwn
Business Reply Mail Hammersley Fk N Leechburg Strinestown
Butler Hampden Station N Londonderry Strodes Mills
Buttonwood Hampden Township N Mountain Strong
Butztown Hampden Twp N Versailles Strongstown
Buyerstown Hancock Naginey Stroudsburg
Byrnedale Haneyville Nanticoke Suedburg
Bywood Hanover Nanty Glo Sugar Grove
Cabot Hanover House Napierville Sugar Notch
Cairnbrook Hanover Township Narberth Sugar Run
Caldwell Hanover Twp Narvon Sugargrove
California Happy Valley Nashville Sugarloaf
Calvert Harborcreek Natalie Sullivan
Calvin Harding National City Summerhill
Cambridg Spgs Harford National City Bank Summerville
Cambridge Springs Harlem National Fulfillment Serv Summit
Cammal, Harleysville National Liberty Life Summit Hill
Camp Grove Harleysville Insurance Co National Passport Agency Sunbeam
Camp Hill Harmony Natl Agency For Check Inq Sunbury
Canadohta Lake Harper Tavern Natrona Heights Sunderlinvle
Canoe Camp Harriet Carter Gifts Natrona Hts Sunmark Industries
Canonsburg Harrisburg Nauvoo Sunnyburn
Canton Harrison Navy Ships Sunnyside
Capital Blue Cross Harrison City Navy Sup Dpt Sunset Pines
Carbondale Harrison Twp Nazareth Susquehanna
Carlisle Harrison Valley Ne Madison Sutersville
Carlisle Barracks Harrison Vly Needmore Sw Madison
Carlisle Brks Harrisonville Neelyton Swales
Carlton Harristown Neffsville Swarthmore
Carmichaels Harrisville Nescopeck Swartzville
Carnegie Hartsfield Neshannock Swatara
Carnegie Mellon University Hartstown Nesquehoning Swatara Sta
Carpolis Hartsville Nether Providence Sweden
Carroll Park Harveys Lake Neville Is Sweden Valley
Carroll Valley Harwick Neville Island Sweet Valley
Carrolltown Hastings New Alexandri Swiftwater
Carson Hatboro New Alexandria Swineford
Carsontown Hatfield New Berlin Swissdale
Carsonville Haverford New Bethlehem Swissvale
Carter Camp Havertown New Bloomfld Swoyersville
Carversville Hawk Run New Boston Sycamore
Cascade Hawley New Bridgeville Sykesville
Cassville Hawstone New Brighton Sylvan
Castl Shannon Hays Grove New Britain Sylvan Dell
Castle Hazelwood New Castle Syner
Castle Shann Hazen New Cmbrlnd T V Guide
Castle Shannon Hazle Township New Columbia Table Rock
Catasauqua Hazle Townshp New Cumb Tafton
Catawissa Hazleton New Cumberland Talmar
Cathead Hbg New Cumberland Army D Tamaqua
Cecil Hbg Inter Airp New Cumberlnd Tamiment
Cedar Lane Hebe New Danville Tannersville
Cedar Ledge Heberlig New Derry Tarentum
Cedar Run Heckschersville New Eagle Tarrs
Cedar Springs Heckscherville New Enterprise Taylor
Cedarbrook Hecla New Entrprise Taylorville
Cedarhurst Hector New Florence Telford
Center City Hegins New Franklin Tell
Center Mills Heidelberg New Freedom Temple
Center Moreland Heidlersburg New Freeport Templeton
Center Square Heilmandale New Galilee Terre Hill
Center Valley Helfenstein New Hanover Twp Tharptown
Centerville Hellam New Holland The Vanguard Group
Central Hellertown New Hope Thomasville
Central Manor Hemlock Grove New Jerusalem Thompson
Centralia Henryville New Kensingtn Thompsontown
Centre Hall Hepburn New Kensington Thorndale
Chadds Ford Hepburn Hts New Londn Twp Thornton
Chain Hepburnville New London Township Three Springs
Chalfont Hepler New Market Throop
Chambersburg Hereford New Milford Tidioute
Champion Herminie New Millport Tilden
Chapmans Hermitage New Milltown Timblin
Charleroi Herndon New Oxford Time Warner
Charleston Herrick Center New Paris Times Publishing Co
Charlestown Herrick Ctr New Park Tinicum
Charmian Herrville New Phila Tinicum Township
Charnita Hershey New Philadelphia Tioga
Cheesetown Hershey Heights New Process Tionesta
Cheltenham Heshbon Park New Process Co Titusville
Cherokee Ranch Hessdale New Providence Tivoli
Cherry Flats Hesston New Providnce Todd
Cherry Grove Hickory New Ringgold Toland
Cherry Hill Hickox New Salem Tolna
Cherry Tree Hidden Valley New Schaefferstown Tomb
Cherryville High Spire New Smithville Tomstown
Chester Highland Park New Stanton Topton
Chester Sprgs Highmount New Street Torresdale South
Chester Springs Highspire New Texas Toughkenamon
Chester Township Highville New Wilmington Towanda
Chester Twp Hill Church New Wilmngtn Tower City
Chesterbrook Hilldale Newberry Towncrest Vlg
Cheswick Hiller Newberrytown Townville
Cheyney Hilliards Newburg Traffic Safety
Chichester Hills Terrace Newcmbrlnd Trafford
Chicora Hillsgrove Newfield Trainer
Childs Hillside Newfoundland Transfer
Chilton Co Hilltown Newlin Trappe
Christiana Hinkletown Newlondon Twp Tredyffrin
Churchill Hobart Newmanstown Tremont
Churchtown Hoernerstown Newport Trenton
Churchville Hoffer Newportville Trevorton
Cigna Corporation Hogestown Newprt Trevose
Cisna Run Hokendauqua Newtown Trexler
Citibank Delaware Holbrook Newtown Sq Trexlertown
Cito Holland Newtown Square Trindle Sprg
Clairton Hollidaysburg Newville Trooper
Clarence Hollsopple Niantic Troy
Clarendon Hollywood Nicholson Trucksville
Claridge Holmes Nickel Mines Tuckerton
Clarington Holtwood Nicktown Tullytown
Clarion Homer Niles Valley Tunkhannock
Clarks Green Homer City Ninepoints Turbett
Clarks Mills Homestead Nisbet Turbotville
Clarks Summit Homesville No Huntingdon Turkey Run
Clarksburg Hometown Noblestown Turkeyfoot
Clarkstown Homewood Nook Turtle Creek
Clarksville Honesdale Nordmont Turtlepoint
Classification Rates Admin Honey Brook Normalville Tuscarora Hts
Clay Honey Grove Norristown Tusculam
Clay Hill Hookstown North American Outdoor Group Tv Guide Brm
Claylick Hooversville North Belle Vernon Twin Oaks
Claysburg Hop Bottom North Bend Twin Rocks
Claysville Hopewell North Bingham Tyler Hill
Clayton Hopwood North Charleroi Tyrone
Clear Spring Horningford North East Ulster
Clearfield Horsham North Fork Ulysses
Clearville Hosiery Corp Of America North Heidelberg Union Center
Cleona Host North Hills Union City
Cleversburg Houston North Huntingdon Union Dale
Clifton Housum North Irwin Union Deposit
Clifton Heights Houtzdale North Lebanon Union Fidelity Busi Reply
Clifton Hts Houtzdale Crrctnl Inst North Leechburg Union Fidelity Postage Pd
Climax Howard North Manheim Union Mills
Clintondale Howe North Newton Uniontown
Cly Hoytville North Union Unisys
Clymer Hublersburg North Versailles Unity House
Coal Hubley North Wales Unityville
Coal Cabin Beach Hudson North Warren Univ Of Pittsburgh
Coal Center Huey Northampton Universal
Coal Run Hughestown Northern Cambria University Park
Coal Township Hughesville Northpoint University Pk
Coaldale Hulmeville Northumberland Upland
Coalport Hummels Store Northumberlnd Upper Allen
Coatesville Hummelstown Norwood Upper Augusta
Cobblerville Hunker Nossville Upper Bern
Coburn Hunlock Creek Nottingham Upper Black Eddy
Cochranton Hunter Noxen Upper Chichester
Cochranville Hunters Run Noyes Upper Darby
Cocolamus Hunterstown Nuangola Upper Dublin
Coffeetown Huntersville Nuremberg Upper Fairfld
Cogan House Huntingdon Nw Cumb Upper Frankfd
Cogan Station Huntingdon Valley Nw Cumberland Upper Holland
Col X Rds Huntingdon Vy Nw Cumberlnd Upper Lawn
Colebrook Huntington Mills Nwprt Upper Mahanoy
Colebrookdale Huntington Ml Nyesville Upper Mahantongo
Colemanville Hustontown Oak Grove Upper Makefield
Colerain Hustontwn Oak Lane Upper Mifflin
Coles Hyde Park Oak Park Upper Mill
Coles Creek Hyndman Oakdale Upper Paxton
Colesburg Hyner Oakford Upper Providence
College Hill I R S Service Center Oakland Upper Saint Clair
College Misericordia Ickesburg Oakland Mills Upper St Clair
College Park Imler Oaklyn Upper Strasbg
Collegeville Imperial Oakmont Upperstrasbrg
Collier Township Independence Oakryn Upperstrasburg
Collier Twp Indian Head Oakview Uppr Blck Edy
Collingdale Indiana Oberlin Uppr Chichstr
Collinsville Indiana Univ Of Pa Observatory Uppr St Clair
Collomsville Indianola Odin Upr Makefield
Colmar Industry Office Of Pers Management Upton
Colonial Hill Inez Ogden Urban
Colonial Penn Inglenook Ogdensburg Uriah
Colonial Penn Group Inglesmith Ogontz Campus Usps Eastern Region Hdqtrs
Columbia Ingram Ohiopyle Usps Official
Columbia Cross Roads Inkerman Oil City Utica
Columbia Gas Of Pa Internal Revenue Oil Creek Valencia
Columbia X Rd International Paper Olanta Valier
Columbus Iola Old Forge Vallamont Hls
Colver Iona Old Line Valley
Colwyn Ironton Old Lycoming Valley Forge
Comly Ironville Old Port Valley Furnace
Commerce Bank Irvine Oley Valley Township
Commodore Irving Oley Furnace Valley Twp
Commonwealth Tel Co Irvona Oliphant Furnace Valley View
Concord Irwin Oliveburg Van Meter
Concordville Island Park Olyphant Van Wert
Conemaugh Ithan Ontelaunee Vanderbilt
Conestoga Iva Opp Vandergrift
Congo Ivyland Orange Vandling
Conneaut Lake Jackson Orangeville Vanport
Conneaut Lake Park Jackson Center Orbisonia Venango
Conneautville Jackson Ctr Ore Valley Venetia
Connellsville Jackson Hall Orefield Venus
Connersville Jackson Smt Oregon Verdilla
Connerton Jackson Township Oregon Hill Vere Cruz
Conoy Jackson Twp Oreland Verona
Conshohocken Jacksonville Oreville Veterans Administration
Conway Jacksonwald Oriental Veterans Hospital
Cooks Run Jacobs Mills Oriole Village Green
Coolspring Jacobus Ormsby Villanova
Coon Hunter Jalappa Orrstown Vinemont
Coopersburg Jamestown Orrtanna Vintage
Cooperstown Jamison Orviston Vintondale
Cooperville Jamison City Orwigsburg Vira
Coplay Jarrettown Orwin Voganville
Coraopolis Jay Advertising Osceola Volant
Corliss Jeannette Osceola Mills Vowinckel
Cornwells Heights Jefferson Osterburg W Alexander
Cornwells Hts Jefferson Hills Oswayo W Aliquippa
Coropolis Jefferson Hls Ottawa W Atlee Burpee Co
Corry Jeffersonville Ottsville W Bridgewater
Corsica Jeffersonvlle Outwood W Chester
Cosytown Jenkins Township Oval W Cnshohocken
Couchtown Jenkins Twp Overbrook Hills W Fairview
Coudersport Jenkintown Overbrook Hls W Hazleton
Coupon Jenners Oxford W Homestead
Courtdale Jericho Mills Oyster Point W Leechburg
Courtney Jermyn Pa Blue Shield W Middlesex
Cove Jersey S Pa Furnace W MifflinPleasant Hills
Cove Gap Jersey Shore Pageville W Milton
Covington Jerseytown Paintersville W Springfield
Covngtn Jessup Palm Wabash
Cowan Jim Thorpe Palmdale Wadesville
Cowanesque Joanna Palmer Wagner
Cowans Gap Jobs Corners Palmer Township Walker
Cowans Vlg Joffre Palmer Twp Wall
Cowansville Johnsonburg Palmerton Waller
Cowley Johnstown Palmyra Wallingford
Coxeville Joliett Palo Alto Wallis Run
Crafton Jones And Laughlin Paoli Walnut Bottom
Craigs Jones Mills Paradise Walnut Grove
Craigsville Jonestown Paradise Park Walnutport
Cramer Jonestwn Paradise Valley Walnuttown
Cranberry Joseph Horne Co Paradise Vly Waltersburg
Cranberry Township Julian Pardeesville Waltonville
Cranberry Twp Juneau Paris Wampum
Cranesville Juniata Terr Park Wanamakers
Crawford Kantner Park Heights Wapwallopen
Creekside Kantz Park Hills Ward
Creighton Kapp Heights Park Place Warminster
Crescent Karthaus Parkesburg Warren
Cresco Kaseville Parkhill Warren Center
Cresmont Kasiesville Parkland Warren Industries
Cress Kaska Parkside Warrendale
Cresson Kauffman Parkside Manor Warrensville
Cresson Correctional Inst Keating Parkville Warrington
Cressona Keating Summit Parnassus Warrior Run
Crestmont Keech Parrs Mill Warwick
Creswell Keeneyville Parsons Wash
Crooked Creek Kehley Run Junction Parvin Wash Boro
Cross Fork Kelleysburg Passmore Washington
Cross Roads Kelly Passyunk Washington Boro
Crossgrove Kelly Point Patterson Heights Washington Crossing
Crossing Pointe Kelly X Rds Patterson Hts Washington Ht
Crossingville Kellytown Pattersonville Washington Xing
Croydon Kempton Patton Water Gap
Crum Lynne Kendall Creek Paupack Waterfall
Crystal Spg Kenhorst Paxinos Waterford
Crystal Spring Kennedy Paxtonia Waterloo
Cuba Mills Kennerdell Peach Bottom Waterman
Cuddy Kennet Sq Peach Glen Waterville
Cummings Kennett Sq Pealertown Watrous
Curwensville Kennett Square Peckville Watsontown
Cyclone Kepner Pen Argyl Watsonville
Cynwyd Kerrstown Pen Mar Watts
Daggett Kerrstown Sq Penbrook Wattsburg
Daisytown Kerrtown Penfield Wawa
Dale Kersey Penllyn Waymart
Dallas Kilbuck Penn Wayne
Dallastown Killinger Penn Avon Wayne Heights
Dalmatia Kinderhook Penn Ctr Waynecastle
Dalton Kindts Corner Penn Hill Waynesboro
Danielsville King Of Prussia Penn Hills Waynesburg
Danville Kingsdale Penn Mutual Ins Co Waynesville
Danville East Kingsley Penn Run Weatherly
Darby Kingston Penn St Univ Weaverland
Darby Township Kinney Penn State University Weavertown
Dark Water Kintnersville Penn Valley Webster Mills
Darlington Kinzers Penn Wynne Weidmanville
Dauberville Kirklyn Penndel Weigh Scale
Dauphin Kirkwood Pennersville Weishample
Davidsburg Kissel Hill Pennsburg Weissport
Davidson Kissimmee Pennsdale Wellersburg
Davidsville Kittanning Pennside Wells
Davistown Klines Corner Pennsylvania Blue Shield Wells Tannery
Dawson Klines Grove Pennsylvania Furnace Wellsboro
Dayton Klingerstown Pennville Welsh Run
De Turksville Klondyke Pequea Weltys
Decatur Knapp Perdix Wernersville
Deer Lake Knauers Perkasie Wertzville
Deerfield Kng Of Prussa Perkiomenville Wescosville
Defense Depot Knightsville Perkiomenvlle Wesleyville
Deiblers Knobsville Perry West Acres
Delaware Run Knoebels Grv Perry Square West Aliquippa
Dellville Knousetown Perry Village West Annville
Delmar Knox Perryopolis West Bangor
Delmont Kohinoor Junction Perryville West Beaver
Delta Korn Krest Perulack West Bingham
Denholm Kossuth Peters West Branch
Denver Kratzerville Petersburg West Bridgewater
Deodate Kresgeville Petrolia West Bristol
Department Of Revenue Kreutz Creek Pgh West Brownsville
Derrick City Krumsville Pgh Int Arprt West Brunswick
Derrs Kulp Pheaa West Buffalo
Derry Kulpmont Phila West Cameron
Derry Church Kulptown Phila National Bank West Chester
Devon Kutztown Philadelphia West Chester University
Diamondtown Kyleville Philadelphia Bmc West Conshohocken
Dice La Belle Philipsburg West Cressona
Dickey La Jose Phillipsville West Decatur
Dickinson Laceyville Phoenix Park West Donegal
Dickson City Lack Phoenixville West Easton
Dieners Hill Lackawaxen Piatt West End
Dilliner Ladona Pike West Enola
Dillsburg Lafayette Hill Pikeville West Fairview
Dingmans Fry Lafayette Hl Pilgrim Gardens West Finley
Direct Brands Laflin Pilgrim Gdns West Grove
District Lairdsville Pine Bank West Hamburg
Donaldson Lake Ariel Pine Grove West Hazleton
Donegal Lake City Pine Grove Furnace West Hemlock
Donegal Heights Lake Lynn Pine Hill West Homestead
Donegal Springs Lakeville Pine Run West Lancaster
Donnally Mill Lakewood Pine Summit West Lawn
Donora Lamberton Pine Swamp West Leechburg
Dooleyville Lambs Creek Pine Village West Leroy
Dormont Lamott Pinedale West Middlesex
Dornsife Lancaster Pinetown West Mifflin
Dorset Lancaster Junction Pinola West Mifflin Century Mall
Dott Landenberg Pipersville West Milton
Doubleday Co Inc Landis Store Pitcairn West Monocacy
Doubleday Select Landisbg Pitman West Nanticoke
Doubling Gap Landisburg Pitt West Newton
Douglass Landisville Pitts West Penn
Douglassville Langhorne Pittsbur West Penn Power Co
Doutyville Lansdale Pittsburgh West Pennsboro
Dover Lansdowne Pittsfield West Perry
Downingtown Lansford Pittston West Pike
Doyles Mills Lapark Pittston Township West Pittston
Doylesburg Large Pittston Twp West Reading
Doylestown Larimer Plains West Renovo
Draper Larksville Plains Township West Springfield
Dravosburg Larrys Creek Plains Twp West Sunbury
Drehersville Larryville Plank West View
Dresher Larue Pleasant Gap West Wyoming
Drexel Hill Latrobe Pleasant Hall West Wyomissing
Drexel Hills Laubachs Pleasant Hill West York
Drexelbrook Laughlintown Pleasant Hills Westbrook Park
Drocton Laurel Park Pleasant Hls Westfield
Drumore Laurel Run Pleasant Mount Westfield Ter
Drums Laureldale Pleasant Mt Westford
Drury Run Laurelville Pleasant Strm Westline
Dry Run Laurys Sta Pleasant View Westminster College
Dry Valley Laurys Station Pleasantview Westmoreland City
Dryville Laverock Pleasantville Westmrlnd Cty
Du Bois Lawncrest Pleasureville Weston Place
Dublin Lawndale Plum Westover
Duboistown Lawrence Plunketts Crk Westport
Duffield Lawrence Park Plymouth Wetona
Duguesne Light Co Lawrenceville Plymouth Meeting Wexford
Duke Center Lawton Plymouth Mtng Wheatfield
Dun Bradstreet Layfield Plymouth Valley Wheelerville
Dunbar Layton Pnc Bank Whitaker
Duncan Le Raysville Pnc Bank Pitts White
Duncannon Leacock Pocono Lk Prs White Bear
Duncansville Leaders Heights Pocono Summit White Hall
Duncott Leaf Park Pogue White Haven
Dundore Leaman Place Point Marion White Horse
Dunkelbergers Leb Polk White Oak
Dunmore Lebanon Polktown White Pine
Dunnstown Lebo Pond Bank Whitehall
Dupont Leck Kill Pont Whitesprings
Duquesne Leckkill Poplar Grove Whitneyville
Duquesne Light Co Lecontes Mills Port Allegany Whitsett
Duquesne Univ Lecontes Mls Port Carbon Wiggans
Durlach Leechburg Port Griffith Wila
Duryea Leeper Port Matilda Wilburton
Dushore Lees Cross Rd Port Royal Wilcox
Dysart Leesport Port Trevortn Wilkes Barre
E Charleston Leetonia Port Trevorton Wilkes Barre Township
E Chillisquaq Leetsdale Port Vue Wilkes University
E Fallowfield Lehigh Valley Portage Wilkinsburg
E Freedom Lehighton Porter William Penn Annex East
E Greenville Leibeyville Porters Sideling William Penn Annex West
E Lancaster Leidy Portersville Williams
E Lansdowne Lemont Fce Portland Mills Williams Grv
E Lawrencevle Lemont Frnc Portland Mls Williams Township
E Lewisburg Lemont Frnce Ports Sidling Williams Twp
E Mc Keesport Lemont Furnace Potter Brook Williamsburg
E Mckeesport Lemoyne Pottersdale Williamsport
E Millsboro Lenhartsville Pottstown Williamstown
E Pennsboro Lenkerville Pottsville Willow
E Petersburg Lenoxville Powells Vly Willow Grove
E Pittsburgh Leola Powys Willow Hill
E Smithfield Leolyn Presque Isle Willow Street
E Springfield Leraysville Presto Willow View Heights
E Strodsburg Leroy Preston Hill Wilmerding
E Stroudsbg Lester Preston Park Wilpen
E Stroudsburg Letort Pricetown Winburne
E Waterford Letterkenny Army Depo Primos Wind Gap
Eagleville Level Corner Primos Secane Wind Ridge
East Bangor Levittown Primos-Secane Windber
East Berlin Lewis Run Primrose Windfall
East Brady Lewisberry Pringle Winding Hill
East Brunswick Lewisburg Proctor Windsor
East Buffalo Lewistown Prompton Windsor Castle
East Canton Lewistown Jun Prospect Windsor Park
East Earl Lewistwn Prospect Park Winfield
East Fallowfield Township Lexington Prospectville Wingate
East Freedom Liberty Prosperity Wlks Barr Twp
East Greenville Liberty Square Providence Wm Penn Anx E
East Hanover Library Provident National Bank Wm Penn Anx W
East Kane Licking Creek Prudential Aarp Insurance Womelsdorf
East Keating Lickingville Pt Allegany Woodbine
East Lancaster Lightstreet Pt Royal Woodbury
East Lansdowne Ligonier Pulaski Woodchoppertown
East Liberty Lilly Punxsutawney Woodland
East Mc Keesport Lima Puritan Woodlyn
East Mckeesport Lime Ridge Quakertown Worleytown
East Millsboro Lime Rock Quarryville Worman
East Mines Lime Valley Queen Wormleysbg
East Muncy Limerick Queen City Wormleysburg
East Newport Limestonevle Quiggleville Worthington
East Norriton Lincoln Colliery Qvc Network Inc Worthville
East Petersburg Lincoln Heights Racine Wrightsdale
East Pgh Lincoln Park Radnor Wrightstown
East Pittsburgh Lincoln Univ Rahns Wrightsville
East Renovo Lincoln University Ralpho Wshngtn Xing
East Salem Linden Ramsey Wyalusing
East Smithfield Line Lexington Rankin Wyncote
East Springfield Line Lxngtn Ranshaw Wyndham Hills
East Stroudsburg Line Mountain Rauchtown Wyndmoor
East Waterford Linesville Rauschs Wynnewood
East York Linfield Raven Creek Wyoming
Eastland Hill Linglestown Rawlinsville Wyomissing
Easton Linntown Raymond Wyomissing Hills
Eastpoint Linwood Rea Wysox
Eastville Lionville Reading Yardley
Eastwick Lisburn Reading Sta Yatesville
Ebenezer Listonburg Reading Station Yeadon
Ebensburg Lithia Sprs Rebersburg Yeagertown
Echo Valley Lititz Rebuck Yeagertwn
Eckville Little German Rector Yellow House
Eddington Little Kansas Red Bank Yocumtown
Eddystone Little Mahany Red Bridge Yoe
Eden Little Marsh Red Cross York
Edenburg Little Mdws Red Hill York Haven
Edgegrove Little Meadows Red Lion York Road
Edgely Little Wash Red Rock York Springs
Edgeworth Littlestown Redrun Yorkana
Edinboro Liverpool Reed Yorklyn
Edinboro University Llanerch Reed Station Yorkshire
Edinburg Loag Reeders Grove Youngsville
Edisonville Lobachsville Reeds Gap Youngwood
Edmon Lochiel Reedsville Yukon
Edwardsville Lock Haven Reiffton Zelienople
Effort Locke Mills Reinerton Zerbe
Ehrenfeld Locust Reinholds Zieglersville
Eighty Four Locust Grove Reistville Zieglerville
Eldersville Locust Point Rennerdale Zion Grove
Eldora Locust Run Renovo Zionsville
Eldred Logan Mills Rew Zooks Corner
Eleven Mile Loganton Reward Zooks Dam
Elimsport Londonderry Rexford
Elizabeth Longfellow Reynoldsville
Elizabethtown Longlevel Rhawnhurst