Floral Arrangement and Flowers Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
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Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
Dozen Long Stem Red Roses $99.99
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Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
Together Forever Bouquet $79.99
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Dozen Plus $99.99
Dozen Plus $99.99
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Match Made in Heaven $79.99
Match Made in Heaven $79.99
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Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
Heartstrings Bouquet $54.99
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Always You Bouquet $124.99
Always You Bouquet $124.99
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Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
Your Majesty Bouquet $54.99
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Swooning Over You $74.99
Swooning Over You $74.99
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Florist & Flower Shop - Flowers by Jerry
Flowers by Jerry

Welcome to Flowers by Jerry. We are a family owned, full service florist and have been in business for over 50 years. Our online store service is here to help you find the best local florist, anywhere nationwide. With our nationwide affiliation, we do the work for you. The local florists we partner with deliver beautiful blooming and green plants, gourmet and fruit baskets, balloons and brilliant custom designed fresh floral and silk arrangements to all hospitals, funeral homes, schools, and businesses with. We would be honored to be your virtual florist when sending to Texas.

Flower Border

Places to Send Flowers using a Local Florist near Texas

Send flowers to these locations:
Abbott Dynamic Resource Group Leary Rio Rico
Abernathy E Texas Ctr Ledbetter Rio Vista
Abilene Eagle Pass Leedale Rios
Abilene Christian Univ Early Leesburg Rising Star
Abram East Bernard Leesville River Oaks
Acacia Lake East Columbia Leigh Riviera
Academy East Hamilton Lelia Lake Riviera Beach
Ackerly East Liberty Lenorah Rmx
Acton East Mayfield Leo Roanoke
Adams Gardens East Mountain Leon Junction Roans Prairie
Addicks East Side Leon Valley Roaring Spngs
Addicks Barker Eastgate Leona Roaring Springs
Addison Eastland Leonard Robbins
Adkins Ebenezer Levelland Robinson
Adrian Echo Leveretts Chapel Robstown
Afton Echols Levi Roby
Aggieland Ecleto Levi Strauss Evacuee Ctr Rochelle
Agua Nueva Ector Levita Rock Creek
Aguilares Edcouch Lewisville Rock Hill
Aiken Eden Liberty Rockland
Ala Coushatta Ind Res Edgar Liberty City Rockwall
Alamo Edge Liberty Hill Rockwood
Alamo Heights Edgewood Lilac Rocky Branch
Alba Edgeworth Lincoln Rocky Hill
Albany Edinburg Lindale Roganville
Albert Edna Linden Rogers
Aldine Edom Lindenau Rogerslacy
Aledo El Campo Lindsay Rollingwood
Alexanders Store El Cenizo Linn Rolls
Alfred El Centro Linwood Roman Forest
Alfred P Hughes Unit El Gato Lipan Roosevelt
Algerita El Jardin Lipscomb Ropesville
Alice El Lago Littig Rosanky
Allen El Paso Little Elm Roscoe
Alleyton El Paso Electric Co Little River Academy Rose City
Alliance Data Systems El Paso Natural Gas Littlefield Rose Hill
Alpine El Paso Water Utilities Live Oak Rosebud
Alta Loma El Sauz Liverpool Rosenberg
Alto Springs El Toro Llano Rosenthal
Alton Elbert Lockhart Rosevine
Alvarado Eldorado Afs Lockney Rosewood
Alvin Electronic Security Services Loebau Rosharon
Alvord Elgin Log Cabin Rosita
Amarillo Elk Lohn Rosston
Amarillo College Elkhart Lolita Rotan
Amarillo Globe News Ellinger Lomax Round Mountain
Amarillo Hardware Ellington Field Lometa Round Mtn
Amer Income Life Ins Elm Grove London Round Rock
American Express Elm Mott Lone Mountain Round To
American Quarter Horse Assoc Elmendorf Lone Oak Rowena
Ames Elmwood Lone Star Rowlett
Amherst Eloise Long Branch Roxton
Ammansville Elroy Long Mott Royston
Anadarko Elwood Long Point Rule
Anchor Emerald Bay Longview Rumley
Ander Emilee Longview Heights Runaway Bay
Anderson Emmett Longworth Runge
Andice Emory Loop Rutersville
Andrews Enchanted Oak Lopeno S F A
Angelo State University Enchanted Oaks Lopezville S F A U
Angleton Encino Loraine S F Austin U
Anna Engle Lorena S F Austin Univ
Anson Ennis Los Angeles S F Austin University
Antelope Enoch Los Coyotes S Padre Isl E
Anthony Enochs Los Cuates S Padre Isle
Antioch Enterprise Los Fresnos S Texarkana
Anton Eola Los Saenz S W Bell Tele Co
Apple Springs Era Lost Pines Sabinal
Aquilla Erin Lott Sabine
Aransas Pass Escapees Louise Sabine Pass
Aranspass Escapees Rv Club Louisville Sachse
Arcadia Escobares Lovelace Sadler
Arcola Escobas Loving Sagerton
Argenta Estes Loyola Beach Saginaw
Argo Eula Lsi Saint Hedwig
Argyle Eulalie Ltl Rvr Acad Saint Jo
Arlington Euless Lubbock Salado
Arneckeville Eulogy Luckenback Salesville
Arnett Eustace Lueders Salmon
Arp Evant Lufkin Salt Flat
Arroyo Evergreen Lull Saltillo
Art Everitt Lumberton Salty
Artesia Wells Everman Lund Sam Houston Sta Univeristy
Arthur City Ewell Lyford Sam Norwood
Asherton Ezzell Lynchburg San Angelo
Ashland Fair Oaks Lyndon B Johnson Space Cen San Antonio
Ashwood Fair Oaks Ranch Lytle San Augustine
Asia Fair Play Lytton Springs San Benito
Aspermont Fairchilds M Bank San Carlos
Astin Fairdale Mabank San Diego
Astrodome Fairfield Mackay San Elizario
Astroworld Fairmount Macune San Gabriel
Atascocita Fairview Madero San Isidro
Atascosa Faker Madisonville San Jose
Ater Falcon Magnet San Juan
Atlanta Falfurrias Magnolia San Juan Community
Aubrey Fallon Magnolia Beach San Leanna
Augusta Falls City Magnolia Spgs San Leon
Aurora Fannett Magnolia Springs San Marcos
Austin Farmers Branch Mahomet San Patricio
Avery Farmers Brnch Malakoff San Pedro
Avinger Farmersville Malone San Saba
Avoca Farrsville Malta Sand Hill
Avondale Farwell Manchaca Sandia
Azle Fashing Manda Sandoval
Bacliff Fayetteville Manheim Sandy Corner
Bagwell Faysville Mansfield Sandy Fork
Bahia Mar Federal Aviation Administrat Manvel Sandy Point
Baileys Prairie Fedor Mapleton Sanger
Baileyville Ferris Marble F Sansom Park
Baird Fieldton Marble Falls Santa Anna
Balch Springs Fife Marietta Santa Catarina
Balcones Fincastle Marion Santa Cruz
Balcones Heights Fingerhut Corp Marlin Santa Fe
Balcones Hts Fink Marquez Santa Monica
Baldwin Firm Cases Marshall Santa Rosa
Bammel First Chicago Bank Marshall Ford Santo
Bangs First City Bank Martins Mills Saratoga
Bank Of America Fischer Maryneal Sarco
Bank One Fisk Massey Lake Sargent
Bank One Of Fort Worth Fitze Masterson Saspamco
Bankersmith Flat Fork Matador Satsuma
Barclay Flatonia Mathis Sattler
Barkman Flatwood Matinburg Saturn
Barksdale Flint Mattox Savannah
Barnes Flo Maud Savoy
Barnum Flomot Maurin Scallorn
Barry Floresville Maxdale Schertz
Bartlett Flowella Maxwell Schroeder
Bartonville Flower Mound May Schulenburg
Bascom Flowermound Mayflower Scotland
Bassett Floy Maypearl Scott And White Hospital
Bastrop Floyd Maysfield Scroggins
Batesville Floydada Mbank Scurry
Batson Fluvanna Mc Allen Seabrook
Baxter Fondren Mc Camey Seagoville
Bay City Ford Motor Company Mc Caulley Seagraves
Bayou Vista Fords Corner Mc Dade Sears
Bayside Fordtran Mc Gregor Seaton
Baytown Forest Mc Kinne Seawillow
Bayview Forest Glade Mc Nary Sebastopol
Bayway Forest Hill Mc Queeney Security
Beach Forestburg Mcadoo Security Couriers
Beasley Forney Mcallen Security Svc
Beaukiss Forreston Mcbeth Segno
Beaver Dam Fort Bliss Mcclanahan Segovia
Bebe Fort Gates Mccoll Seguin
Beckville Fort Hancock Mccoy Sejita
Bedford Fort Hood Mcdade Selective Service
Bedias Fort Hood 1St Cavlry Div Mcgregor Selma
Bee Cave Fort Hood 2Nd Armrd Div Mckinney Seminole
Bee Caves Fort Mc Kavett Mcknight Seven Pines
Bee House Fort Mckavett Mcmahan Seven Points
Beech Grove Fort Ringgold Mcmurry Univ Seven Sisters
Beeville Fort Stockton Mcnair Sexton
Belfalls Fort Wolters Mcnair Village Sexton City
Bellaire Fort Wor Mcqueeney Sfa
Bellevue Fort Worth Meador Grove Shady Grove
Bellmead Four Points Meadow Shady Shores
Bells Fowlerton Meadowlakes Shafter
Bellview Frame Switch Meadows Place Shallowater
Bellville Franklin Medina Lake Shamrock
Bellvue Frankston Lake Meeks Shamrock Shores
Belott Fredericksbg Meldrum Shankleville
Belton Fredericksbrg Melissa Sharp
Ben Arnold Fredonia Melissa, Sharpstown
Ben Bolt Freeport Melvin Sharyland
Ben Franklin Freer Memorial Park Shavano Park
Ben Hur Fresno Memphis Shelby
Ben Wheeler Freyburg Mendoza Shelbyville
Benbrook Friar Menlow Sheldon
Benchley Friday Mercedes Shenandoah
Benjamin Friendship Mereta Shep
Berea Friendswood Meridian Sherman
Bergheim Frio Town Merkel Sherwood
Berryville Frisco Mertens Shiloh
Bertram Fritch Meskill Shiner
Best Fronton Mesquite Shive
Bethel Fruitland Mexia Shoreacres
Beto 1 - Tdc Fruitvale Meyersville Short
Beto 2 - Tdc Frydek Miami Sidney
Beverly Hills Ft Bliss Michael Prison Unit- Tdc Silas
Beyersville Ft Sm Houston Mico Siloam
Big Sandy Ft Worth Middleton Silsbee
Big Spring Fulshear Midkiff Silver City
Big Wells Furney Richardson Midland Silver Valley
Bigfoot Fussel Midline Simmonsville
Biggs Field Gainesville Midlothian Simms
Bighill Galena Park Midway Simsboro
Billington Galloway Milam Sinclair City
Birome Ganado Miland Singleton
Bishop Gano Milane Sinton
Bivins Garceno Milano Sisterdale
Black Garden City Mildland Skellytown
Blackfoot Garden Ridge Miles Skidmore
Blair Garden Valley Milford Slaton
Blanco Gardendale Millheim Slocum
Blandlake Garfield Millsap Smiley
Blanket Garland Minden Smith Hill
Blanton Garrison Mineola Smithland
Bleakwood Garth Mineral Smiths Bend
Bleiblerville Garwood Mineral Wells Smithville
Blevins Gary Minerva Smyrna
Blocker Gary City Mings Chapel Snow Hill
Blodgett Gatesville Mirando City Socorro
Bloomburg Gatesville Facility Tdc Mission Sodville
Blooming Grove Gay Hill Mission Valley Solms
Blooming Grv General Tele Co Of Sw Missouri City Somerset
Blossom Geneva Mixon Somerville
Blue George West Mobeetie Sorters
Blue Mound Georgetown Moffatt Soules Chapel
Bluff Dale Gholson Monadale Sour Lake
Bluff Springs Gib Lewis Prison Monahans South Bend
Bluffton Gill Monaville South Elm
Blum Gillett Monroe City South Houston
Blumenthal Gilmer Mont Belvieu South Purmela
Bluntzer Girard Montague South San Pedro
Boca Chica Gladewater Montague Village South Texarkana
Boerne Glaze City Montalba Southern Methodist Universit
Bogata Glazier Monte Alto Southern Union Gas Co
Boling Glecker Montgomery Southern Union Gas Company
Bon Ami Glen Rose Montgomery Ward Southlake
Bon Wier Glendale Monthalia Southland
Bonham Glenn Heights Montopolis Southside Place
Bonner Glidden Moody Southwestern Bankcard
Bonney Godley Moore Station Spanish Camp
Bonnie View Gold Moores Crossing Sparks
Booker Golden Acres Mooresville Speaks
Booth Goldsboro Morales Spearman
Borden Goldsmith Moran Speegleville
Bordersville Goliad Moravia Splendora
Borger Golinda Morgans Point Spofford
Bosqueville Gonzales Morgans Point Resort Spring
Boston Goober Hill Morris Ranch Spring Creek
Bovina Good Hope Morse Spring Valley
Bowie Good Springs Morton Springdale
Box Church Goodfelow Afb Mosheim Springfield
Boyd Goodland Moss Bluff Springhill
Boys Ranch Goodrich Moss Hill Springlake
Bracken Goodville Motor Vehicle Division Springtown
Bradford Gordonville Moulton Sprinkle
Bradshaw Goree Mound City Spurger
Brashear Gorman Mount Calm St Louis
Brazoria Gouldbusk Mount Enterprise St Paul
Brazos Point Graceton Mount Lucas Stafford
Breckenridge Graford Mount Olive Stairtown
Bremond Granbury Mount Pleasant Stamford
Brenham Grand Bluff Mount Selman Stampede
Breslau Grand Prairie Mount Sharp Stamps
Briarcliff Grand Saline Mount Union Stanton
Briary Grandview Mount Vernon Starrville
Bridge City Grange Hall Mountain Startzville
Bridgeport Granger Mountain City State Board Of Insurance
Brileytown Grangerland Mountain Home State Comptroller
Briscoe Granite Shls Mozelle Steeltown
Broaddus Granite Shoals Lake Shores Mt Enterprise Steep Hollow
Brock Granjeno Mt Pleasant Stellar
Bronson Grape Creek Mt Sylvan Stephen Creek
Bronte Grapeland Mt Vernon Stephen F Austin Univ
Brookeland Grapevine Muenster Stephenville
Brookesmith Gray Muldoon Sterling City
Brooks Afb Branch Grayburg Mullin Stewards Mill
Brooks Cb Green Lake Mullins Prairie Stewart
Brooks City Base Greens Bayou Munday Stewart Heights
Brookshire Greenville Murchison Stinnett
Brookside Village Greenway Plaza Mustang Stith
Brookside Vl Gregg N Richlnd Hls Stockdale
Browndell Greggton Nacogdoches Stockholm
Brownsboro Grey Forest Nancy Stockman
Brownsville Grice Naples Stoneburg
Brownwood Griffin Naruna Stormville
Brumley Griffing Nash Stratton
Brundage Griffing Park NasJrb Streeter
Bruni Grigsby Nassau Bay String Prairie
Brushy Creek Grindstone Natalia Structure
Bryan Groesbeck Nationsbank Stuart Place
Bryans Mill Grosvenor Naval Air Station Jrb Sudan
Bryson Groves Navarro Suffolk
Buchanan Dam Gruver Navarro Mills Sugar Land
Buckeye Guadalupe Navasota Sugar Valley
Buckhorn Guajillo Ncnb Sugarland
Buckingham Guerra Nechanitz Sul Ross
Buda Gulf Oil Nederland Sulphur Bluff
Buffalo Gun Barrel City Needa Sulphur Spgs
Buffalo Gap Gun Barrel Cy Needville Sulphur Springs
Buford Gunter Neiman Marcus Summerfield
Bula Gustine Nelsonville Summerville
Bullard Guy Nemo Sun City
Buna Guys Store Nesbitt Sunny Side
Bunker Hill Village Hainesville Neuville Sunnyvale
Burkburnett Halbert New Boston Sunray
Burkett Hale Center New Braunfels Sunrise Beach
Burleigh Hallettsville New Caney Sunset Valley
Burleson Hallsburg New Clarkson Supermkt17
Burlington Hallsville New Colony Surfside Bch
Burnet Halsted New Corn Hill Surfside Beach
Burns Haltom City New Diana Sutherland Springs
Burr Hamby New Harmony Sutherlnd Spg
Burton Hamilton New Home Sw Baptist Theological Smry
Bustamante Hammond New Mine Sw Bell Telephone
Butler Hamon New Mountain Swan
Bville Hamshire New Salem Sweeny
Byers Hanson New Sweden Sweetwater
Bynum Happy New Taiton Swinney Switch
Caddo Happy Valley New Waverly Swinney Swtch
Caddo Mills Hardin Simmons University New York Swiss Alp
Caldwell Hare Newby Sycamore
Caledonia Harker Heights Newcastle Sylvan Beach
Calf Creek Harker Hts Newport Sylvester
Call Harkeyville Newton Tabor
Calliham Harleton Nickel Taft
Callisburg Harlingen Niederwald Taiton
Calvert Harmony Nigton Talco
Calvin Harper Nile Talpa
Cameron Harrisburg Nix Tamega
Camilla Harrold Nixon Tamina
Camp Mabry Hartley Noack Tanglewood
Camp Strake Harvard Nocona Tarkington Prairie
Camp Verde Harwood Nogalus Tarleton State Univ
Campbell Haskell Nolan Tarpley
Campbellton Haslam Nolanville Tarrant County Courthouse
Campo Alto Haslet Noodle Tarrytown
Campti Hasse Noonday Tarzan
Canton Hatchel Nordheim Tatum
Canutillo Haukanier Normangee Tavener
Canyon Havana Normans Crossing Taylor
Canyon Lake Hawley Norse Taylor Lake Village
Caradan Headsville North Branch Taylor Lk Vlg
Carbon Heartland North Cedar Teague
Carbondale Heath North Houston Teaselville
Cardinal Hall Heathridge North Prairie Tecula
Cardinal Sta Hedley North Richland Hills Telegraph
Carey Hedwig Village North Texas Mpc Telephone
Carlisle Heidelberg North Vidor Tell
Carlos Heights North Zulch Temple
Carlsbad Helmic Northcrest Tenaha
Carlton Helotes Northfield Tenn Colony
Carmona Hemphill Northrichland Hills Tenneryville
Carolina Redemption Services Hempstead Norton Tennessee Colony
Carricitos Henderson Norwest Bank Tenoka
Carrizo Spgs Henkhaus Norwood Terlingua
Carrizo Springs Henly Novice Terrell
Carrollton Henning Novohrad Terrell Hills
Carterville Henrys Chapel Noxville Terrys Chapel
Carthage Hermleigh O Brien Terryville
Castell Hewitt Oak Forest Texarkana
Castle Hills Hext Oak Grove Texarkana Community College
Castroville Hgn Oak Hill Texas American Bank
Cave Springs Hickory Creek Oak Leaf Texas Christian Univ
Cavitt Hico Oakhurst Texas City
Cc Hidalgo Oaks Texas Commerce Bank
Cedar Hill Hidden Valley Oakville Texas Dept Of Correction
Cedar Lake Hide A Way Oakwood Texas Power Light
Cedar Park Hide A Way Lake Oatmeal Texas Tech School Of Medicin
Cedar Point Hideaway Ocee Texas Workforce Commission
Cedar Springs Higgins Odds Texline
Cego High Hill Odell Texon
Cele Highland Haven Odem Thayer
Celeste Highland Havn Odessa The Colony
Celina Highland Park Odonnell The Hills
Center Highland Vill Oenaville The University Of Texas
Center Point Highland Village Ofarrell The Woodlands
Centerview Highlands Oglesby Thedford
Centerville Hill Ojuelas Thelma
Central Hill Country Village Oklaunion Theon
Central Power Light Co Hillcrest Old Boston Thomas
Centralia Hillister Old Brazoria Thompsonville
Cestohowa Hillje Old Glory Thornton
Chaffee Village Hills Old Larissa Thrall
Chalk Hillsboro Old Mobeetie Three Point
Chandler Hilltop Lakes Old Moulton Three Rivers
Channelview Hilltop Unit Tdc Old River-Winfree Thrifty
Channing Hilshire Village Old Round Rock Tidwell Prairie
Chapel Hill Hitchcock Old Rvr-Wnfre Tiki Island
Chapman Hl Cntry Vlg Old Salem Tilden
Chappell Hill Hoard Old Union Tilmon
Charco Hobson Oletha Timber Cove
Charlotte Hockley Mine Olivia Timberlane Acres
Chase Bank Hodgson Olmito Timpson
Chase Bank Of Fort Worth Holland Olmos Tivoli
Chase Bank Of Texas Holliday Olmos Park Tivydale
Chase Bank Of Tx Holly Lake Ranch Olton Tod
Chase Bank Texas Holly Lk Rnch Omaha Tokio
Chase Bank Tx Holly Springs Omen Tolar
Chat Hollywood Park Onalaska Toledo
Chatfield Hollywood Pk Opelika Tomball
Cheapside Holman Oquinn Topsey
Checks In The Mail Hondo Orange Tours
Cheek Honey Grove Orange Grove Tow
Cherokee Honey Island Ore City Town Bluff
Cherry Spring Hooks Osage Trammells
Chester Hope Oscar Travis
Chesterville Hopewell Otto Travis Heights
Chico Horizon City Ovalo Trent
Chihuahua Hornsby Bend Overton Trenton
Childress Horsesho Ovilla Trevat
Chillicothe Horton Oyster Creek Tri Cities
Chilton Houston Padre Island National Seasho Trinidad
China Grove Houston Heights Paducah Trophy Club
Chireno Howardwick Pagoda Troup
Chita Howe Paige Trout Creek
Choice Hoxie Palava Troy
Church Hill Hoyte Palestine Truscott
Cibolo Hubbard Palito Blanco Tulia
Cingular Hubert Palm Village Turkey
Circleville Hudson Bend Palmer Turlington
Cisco Hudson Oaks Palmhurst Turney
Cistern Huffman Palmview Tuscola
Citrus City Hufsmith Palo Alto Tuxedo
City By The Sea Hughes Spgs Palo Alto Battlefield Nation Twitty
City Of Lubbock Hull Palo Pinto Tx A M University
City Public Serv Board Humble Pancake Tx State Prison
City Water And Lights Humble, Panorama Village Tye
Clairemont Hunt Panorama Vlg Tyler
Clark Hunter Pantego Tyler Junior College
Clarks Hunters Creek Village Panther Creek Tynan
Clarksville City Huntington Papalote Type
Clarksvle Cty Huntsville Paris U S P S Official
Clay Hill Hurst Park Row Uhland
Claytonville Hurst Springs Pasadena Uncertain
Clear Creek Hurstown Patroon Union
Clear Lake City Hutchins Patton Union Chapel
Clear Lake Shores Huxley Pattonville Union Hill
Clear Lk Shrs Hye Pauls Store United Marketing Of Texas
Clearview Iago Pawelekville United Service Auto Assc
Cleburne Iatan Paxton Univ Of Texas At Arlington
Clemville Idalou Peacock Univ Of Tx Elp
Cleveland Impact Pear Ridge Univ Tx At Arlington
Clifton Inadale Pear Valley Universal City
Clint Independence Pearl City Universal Cty
Clodine Indian Creek Pearland University Of Houston
Cloverleaf Indian Gap Pearsall University Of Texas
Clowe And Cowan Indian Hill Pecan Gap University Of Texas At Tyler
Clutch City Indian Lake Pecangrove University Park
Clute Indian Rock Pecos Upton
Clyde Indianola Pedigo Usps Official Mail
Coahoma Industry Pelham Ut
Cochran Ingleside Pelican Bay Ut Sw Medical Center
Cockrell Hill Ingleside On The Bay Penelope V A Hospital
Coffee City Ingram Pennington V A Regional Office
Coffield Unit - Tdc Inks Lake Village Peoria Val Verde
Colaboz Interfirst Bank Pep Valentine
Coldspring International Business Machi Percilla Valera
Coleman Iowa Beef Packers Perezville Valle De Oro
College Hill Iowa Colony Pernitas Point Valley Spring
College Sta Iowa Park Perrin Van
College Station Ira Perry Van Alstyne
Colleyville Iredell Perryton Van Vleck
Collinsville Ireland Perryville Vance
Colmesneil Irs Service Center Peters Vancourt
Cologne Irving Petersburg Vanderpool
Colonial Financial Isabel Petersville Vanetia
Colorado City Island Petrolia Vattmanville
Colton Italy Petronila Vaughan
Columbus Itasca Petteway Vealmoor
Comfort Ivanhoe Pettibone Vega
Commerce Iverson Pettit Venus
Como Jacksboro Petty Verhalen
Comstock Jacksonville Pflugerville Vernon
Concan Jacobs Pharr Veterans Administration
Concepcion James Phelps Viboras
Concrete Jamestown Phillips Victoria
Cone Jarrell Pickton Victory City
Connor Jarvis College Pidcoke Vidor
Conroe Jasper Pierces Chapel Vienna
Content Jc Penney Company Pilot Knob Vigo Park
Converse Jeddo Pilot Point Vilas
Cookville Jefferson Pine Villa Cavazos
Coolidge Jenkins Pine Forest Villa Nueva
Cooper Jericho Pine Hill Village
Copano Village Jermyn Pine Valley Village Of The Hills
Coppell Jersey Village Pinehill Villareales
Copper Canyon Jersey Vlg Pinehurst Vinton
Copperas Cove Jester Pineland Violet
Cordele Jewett Pinewood Virginia Point
Corinth Joaquin Piney Point Vlg O The Hls
Corley Joliet Pioneer Town Voca
Cornett Jollyville Pipe Creek Volente
Corpus Christi Jonah Pirtle Von Ormy
Corpus Christi Army Depot Jones Creek Pitner Junction Voss
Corpus Christi Naval Air Sta Jones Prairie Pittsburg W Univ Pl
Corral City Jonesboro Plainview Wachovia Bank And Trust
Corrigan Joppa Plano Waco
Corsicana Jordans Store Plantersville Waelder
Cost Joshua Pleak Waka
Cotton Gin Josserand Pleasant Grove Wake Village
Cottonwd Jourdanton Pleasant Hill Wakefield
Cottonwo Junction Pledger Waldeck
Cottonwood Justin Pluck Waldrip
Cotulla Kamey Plum Grove Walhalla
County Line Kane Po Boxes Walkers Mill
Coupland Karnack Poesville Wall
Cove Karnes City Point Waller
Cove Spring Katemcy Point Enterprise Wallis
Covington Katy Point Venture Wallisville
Cox Kaufman Pointblank Walnut Grove
Coy City Kayare Pollok Walnut Spgs
Crabb Keechi Ponder Walton
Crabbs Prairie Keene Pone Ward Prairie
Craig Keller Pontotoc Wards Creek
Crandall Keller Corner Pony Warlock
Cranfills Gap Kelly Usa Poolville Warrento
Crawford Kelly Usa Br Porfirio Washington
Crecy Kelsay Port Acres Waskom
Creedmoor Kelsey Port Alto Wastella
Crescent Kemah Port Arthur Watauga
Crescent Heights Kemp Port Isabel Waterloo
Cresson Kempner Port Lavaca Waterman
Crews Kendalia Port Mansfield Waters Bluff
Crimcrest Kenedy Port Neches Watson
Crockett Kenefick Porter Watt
Crosby Kennedale Porter Springs Waxahachie
Cross Plains Kennedy Shores Portland Wayside
Cross Roads Kenneth Copeland Ministries Portway Acres Wbamc
Crossroads Kerens Post Weatherford
Crowley Kerrick Post Oak Webberville
Crp Christi Kerrville Postoak Webster
Cruz Calle Kickapoo Poteet Weches
Crystal City Kilgore Potosi Weedhaven
Cty By The Se Killeen Pottsboro Weimar
Cuero Kimball Pottsville Weinert
Cumby Kimbro Powderly Welch
Currie Kingsbury Powell Welcome
Curtis Kingsland Praesel Wellington
Cushing Kingsville Praha Weser
Cut Kingsville Naval Air Station Prairie Dell Weslaco
Cut And Shoot Kingsvl Naval Prairie Grove West
Cuthbert Kingwood Prairie Hill West Columbia
Cyclone Kinkler Premont West End
Cypress Kirby Prestonwood West Lake Hills
Cypress Mill Kirk Priddy West Lake Hls
D Hanis Kirkland Primera West Mineola
Da Costa Kirtley Primrose West Orange
Daffan Kirvin Princeton West Payne
Daingerfield Kittrell Pritchett West Point
Dalby Springs Kleberg Progreso Lakes West Port Arthur
Dalhart Klein Progreso Lks West Tawakoni
Dalton Klondike Prosper West Texas City
Dalworthington Gardens Knippa Providence Village West Texas State University
Damon Knott Provident City West University Place
Danbury Knox City Providnce Vil Westbrook
Danevang Knoxville Prt Mansfield Westhoff
Darco Koerth Pt Acres Westlake
Davis Prairie Kohrville Pt Isabel Westover Hills
Davisville Kopperl Puerto Rico Westphalia
Dawson Kosse Pumphrey Westville
Dayton Kountze Purdon Westworth Village
De Berry Kovar Purmela Westworth Vlg
De Kalb Kress Pursley Wetmore
De Leon Krugerville Pyron Whaley
Decatur Kyle Quail Wharton
Decker Prairie La Casita Queen City Wheeler
Deer Park La Coste Quemado White Deer
Del Rio La Feria Quintana White Hall
Del Valle La Gloria Quitaque White Oak
Delhi La Grange Quitman White Rock
Dell Computers La Joya Rabb White Settlement
Delmita La Marque Rabbs Whitehouse
Delrose La Mesa Rabbs Prairie Whitesboro
Denhawken La Paloma Raccoon Bend Whitestone
Denison La Porte Rachal Whitewright
Denning La Reforma Radium Whitsett
Denny La Tijera Rainbow Whitson
Denson Spring La Vernia Raisin Whitt
Denton Lacy Ramah Whon
Deport Lacy Lakeview Ramirez Wht Settlemt
Dept Of Public Safety Ladonia Ramona Wichita Falls
Derby Lafayette Ranchito Wied
Dermott Lafkin Rancho Viejo Wiggins
Desdemona Laguna Heights Randolph A F B Wild Peach Village
Desoto Laguna Park Randolph Afb Wilderville
Dessau Laguna Vista Randolph Air Wildorado
Detmold Lajitas Ranger Wilford Hall
Detroit Lake Bridgeport Rangerville Wilford Hall Usaf Hosp
Devers Lake Brownwood Ransom Canyon Willamar
Devine Lake Cherokee Ratibor Willis
Dewalt Lake City Ravenna Willow City
Dfw Lake Creek Rayburn Willow Grove
Dfw Airport Lake Jackson Rayford Willow Oak
Dialville Lake Jacksonville Raytown Willow Park
Diana Lake Shore ReaderS Digest Willow Springs
Diboll Lake Victor Reagan Wills Point
Dickens Lake Worth Realitos Wilmer
Dickinson Lakeland Red Gate Wilmeth
Dies Lakeport Red Lake Wilson
Dike Lakeside Red Oak Wimberley
Dilley Lakeside City Red Ranger Winchester
Dilworth Lakeside Heights Red River Army Depot Windcrest
Dime Box Lakeside Village Redbank Windom
Dinero Lakeview Redlawn Windsor Park Mall Evac Ctr
Dinsmore Lakewood Redtown Wingate
Dirgin Lakewood Harbor Reedville Winkler
Divot Lakewood Village Reese Winnsboro
Doak Springs Lakewood Vlg Refuge Winslow
Dodd City Lamar Regulus West Witting
Dodson Lamar University Reklaw Wolfe City
Dogwood Lamesa Relampago Wolfforth
Dogwood Acres Lampasas Reliance Womack
Dogwood City Lanark Reno Wood Springs
Domino Lancaster Republic Bank Woodbranch
Donie Landrum Reynard Woodbury
Donna Lane Murray Prison Rhome Woodcreek
Doole Lanely Rhonesboro Woods
Dorchester Laneport Ricardo Woodson
Doss Laneville Rice Woodville
Dot Lanham Rices Crossing Woodway
Dotson Lanier Richards Woody Acres
Double Oak Lantana Richardson Word Record Bus Reply
Douglass Laredo Richland Worthing
Douglassville Las Milpas Richland Hills Wright City
Drasco Las Rusias Richland Hls Wrightsboro
Dreka Latch Richland Spgs Wylie
Dreyer Laughlin A F B Richland Springs Xerox Corporation
Driftwood Laughlin Afb Richmond Yancey
Dripping Spgs Laughlin Afb Branch Richwood Yantis
Dryden Laureles Ridge Yard
Dubina Lavernia Riesel Yarrelton
Dublin Lavon Rincon Yescas
Duffau Law Ringgold Yoakum
Dumas Lawn Rio Bravo Yorktown
Dumont Leaday Rio Frio Young
Duncanville League City Rio Grande Youngsport
Dundee Leagueville Rio Grande City Zabcikville
Dunlay Leakey Rio Grande Cy Zephyr
Durango Leander Rio Medina Zipperlenville